Reduce Time to Consensus With an Accelerated Business Case – Phase 2: Conduct the Business Case Analysis

This phase of the blueprint, Reduce Time to Consensus With an Accelerated Business Case, will walk you through the assessment of the initiative in question.

Business Case Readiness Checklist

This template will help you determine if you have completed the necessary milestone to proceed to the next step of building the business case.

Reduce Time to Consensus With an Accelerated Business Case – Phase 1: Gather the Required Information

This phase of the blueprint, Reduce Time to Consensus with an Accelerated Business Case, will help you complete the necessary preceding tasks to building the business case.

Reduce Time to Consensus With an Accelerated Business Case – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you compile a compelling business case that provides decision makers sufficient information to make decisions confidently.

Reduce Time to Consensus With an Accelerated Business Case – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand how to reduce time to consensus with an accelerated business case.

Reduce Time to Consensus With an Accelerated Business Case

Build a compelling business case for the procurement of an enterprise application that demonstrates the drivers for decision making in your organization, provides...
  • guided implementation icon

Business Process Improvement Workbook

Use this template to document and collect the data outputs from the Create a Winning BPI Playbook blueprint.

Create a Winning BPI Playbook – Phase 3: Analyze

This phase of the blueprint will assist in analyzing the current-state diagram that was constructed in the previous phase.

Create a Winning BPI Playbook – Phase 4: Design

This phase of the blueprint involves creating a design for process improvements which are drawn directly from the conclusions in Phase 3.

Create a Winning BPI Playbook – Phase 5: Implement

This phase of the blueprint will define the future-state process map and build an implementation plan that includes direction for monitoring the changes made to the...
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