Day-to-Day Project Supply/Demand Calculator

This tool will help you assess IT's overall resource capacity to execute both major project work and day-to-day project work relative to the organization's overall...

Resume Operations Information Security Pressure Analysis Tool

Use this tool in phase 1 of the Responsibly Resume IT Operations in the Office research to evaluate and better understand the organization's post-pandemic risk tolerance.

Mid-Pandemic IT Prioritization Tool

The Mid-Pandemic IT Prioritization Tool simplifies the long to-do list of transition tasks for your IT and InfoSec team to carry out. Identify, classify, and prioritize...

Project Portfolio Supply-Demand Analysis Tool

Use this tool to estimate current project capacity by determining the time dedicated to project versus non-project work. By estimating the number of projects in demand,...

Organizational Change Management Triage Tool

Use this tool as part of your ongoing project processes to gauge the viability and the organizational change management efforts required for a project.

Audit Standard Triage Tool

This tool should be used as a current state analysis of your project portfolio practices. Use the results to determine if further assessment is needed.

Project Portfolio Audit Tool

This tool should be used to conduct the audit of your chosen projects and portfolios.

Project Benefits Documentation Workbook

This tool should be used to document a project's expected benefits before it is initiated, and make adjustments to benefit metrics and targets as changes are made to the...

T-Shirt Sizing Health Check Lite

Use this tool to evaluate your estimation capabilities if you lack access to a comprehensive project history. Estimate the health of past estimates to start new projects...

PMO Organizational Memory Tool

Use this tool to track, maintain, and analyze historic project data. The lessons learned and project data contained here will improve the estimates and throughput of...
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