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Gaming and Hospitality Industry WLAN Build or Refresh Implementation Plan Template

As your team moves to implement the steps in the WLAN build or refresh, keep the project streamlined and on track by documenting each of the steps in the process.

Gaming and Hospitality Industry WLAN Task Monitoring Tool

Moving from planning your WLAN build or refresh, to actually executing the project, is a big step. Ease the transition by breaking the process down into steps, and...

Make IT a Partner in Successful M&A Due Diligence

Even though IT-related activities can be the larget cost item in an M&A, many organizations continue to underestimate the role IT plays in successfully executing a merger...
  • guided implementation icon

Storyboard: Make IT a Partner in Successful M&A Due Diligence

Organizations continue to underestimate the role of IT in M&A transactions. The involvement of IT in the due diligence phase is critical to providing a better view of...

IT M&A Capabilities Readiness Check Template

The M&A Capabilities Readiness Check is a diagnostic that helps CIOs gain visibility into their current capability to support an M&A transaction.

IT Due Diligence Charter

Create a due diligence charter to socialize the M&A project with key stakeholders and gain buy-in and support.

Make the Case for IT Involvement in M&A Due Diligence Presentation Template

Gain the trust and buy-in from executive management by providing a brief presentation that highlights IT's ability to accelerate the realization of post-integration...

IT Due Diligence Report

This tool helps the CIO and IT due diligence team with tracking and documenting ongoing information discoveries throughout the due diligence phase of an M&A transaction.

Data Warehouse Architecture Planning Tool

The Data Architecture Planning Tool surveys the organizations on data landscape and information needs. Based on the survey results, the tool will select the most suitable...

Data Warehouse Service Level Agreement

A data warehouse is the central place to provision data to analytics and business users. Use this Agile Data Warehouse Service Level Agreement (SLA) template to...
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