
Collaboration Readiness Assessment

Collaboration tools are invaluable for enhancing knowledge sharing, innovation and employee-to-employee communication, but some organizations are better positioned to...

Collaboration Solution Designer

The Collaboration Solution Designer assesses the needs and collaboration patterns of each workgroup in your organization and aggregates the results to provide an...

Big Data Architecture Decision Making Tool

Use this tool in conjunction with the Create a Customized Big Data Architecture and Implementation Plan blueprint. This tool will assist you in determining key...

Big Data Architecture Initiative Definition Tool

Use this tool to map out the goals, objectives, benefits, payoffs, and costs of each initiative.

Big Data Architecture Initiative Planning Tool

This tool will help you plan and organize initiatives to achieve the target big data architecture.

Cloud Backup Implementation Game Plan Tool

The tool will assist you in evaluating the value of cloud backup for specific candidate data sets, readiness to target backup at the cloud, compare the TCO of the cloud...

Cloud Organizational Impact Assessment

A tool to help determine how your organization might be affected by cloud technology should you choose to move your services there.

Core Capability Mapping Tool

Use this tool to assess the level of capability of your IT staff.

Online Casino Platform Vendor Shortlist Tool

This tool allows large enterprises to generate a customized shortlist of Online Casino Platform vendors based on required capabilities and future requirements for product...

Big Data Maturity Assessment Tool

This tool will help your organization assess its maturity and readiness for big data.
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