
Vulnerability Management Risk Assessment Tool

Determine the risk of your vulnerabilities using an impact and likelihood measure based on the specifics of your organization and its applications and services.

Contact Center RFP Scoring Tool

This tool enables organizations to evaluate and compare the results of an RFP process quickly and easily. The outcome of this exercise will be a determination of which...

Role Expectations Worksheet

This worksheet template is used to outline what the BRM practice will do and associate the expectations and tasks with the roles throughout your organization. Use this to...

Security Automation Workbook

Use this tool to step through the process of assessing your automation process maturity, and taking them through a series of gates that will determine your roadmap...

Enterprise Architecture Tool Selection

An excerpt from the Create and Manage Enterprise Data Models blueprint.

Evolve Your SDLC Example Flows

The SDLC examples are sanitized versions of process flows and related deliverables from other Member workshops. You can use these as a starting point or to help validate...

Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Workbook

This workbook contains product pricing priorities, interviewee tracking, sample questions, and “critical” competitive information, which enables the price team to...

Work-From-Home Tips for Employees

You may be preparing the workforce to begin working from home to help limit the spread of COVID-19. Provide employees with this infographic to help them remain productive...

Financial Literacy Quiz

This brief, 20-question quiz will help you assess your IT management team members’ current levels of financial literacy and confidence as well as identify key skills gaps.

Brand Awareness Strategy and Tactics Template

Develop an actionable brand awareness strategy with tactics with KPIs and measurables that align with the company's purpose and objectives.
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