Infrastructure & Operations

Internet Acceptable Use Policy

Internet usage is both a necessary tool and a potential distraction and security risk. With capabilities of the Internet and users advancing daily, it is important for...

Data Center Relocation Project Charter Template

A data center relocation project charter is essential to the planning phase of the project to identify scope and hit the ground running. It lays out important information...

Patch Management Policy

The patch management policy outlines standard application maintenance and patch management practices and responsibilities for identifying and mitigating any system...

Data Center Facility Budget Tool

Building a Greenfield data center is an expensive and lengthy project that can be hard to plan for. Because of its enormity, it is extremely important to accurately...

Build a Data Center

42% of IT leaders have been tasked with completing a data center build-out in 2010. Often, the organization lacks previous experience building a data center.

IT Triage and Support Policy

Use this policy template to define and support triage and support operations.

Take Control of Infrastructure and Operations Metrics

Organizations often measure business operations and spending, but these measurements may not tackle their main challenges. A meaningful, measurable strategy helps...

Remote Access Policy

The remote access policy creates restrictions for connecting to a company’s internal network from external hosts via remote access technology or for utilizing the...

Server Backup Policy

The server backup policy protects data from loss or destruction in IT departments within companies. Without a server backup policy, a company’s assets are not as safe as...

Firewall Policy

Use this policy template to define and support your organization's firewall operations management.
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