Network Printers Represent Serious Security Vulnerability

Most large printers, since 2002, contain physical hard drives used to queue up items to be printed, scanned, copied, faxed and e-mailed by the machine. Ensure that your...

Essentials for Mission Critical Operations

More businesses are finding that they require mission critical operations to support key applications. Mission critical means an application is operational when it is...

The iPad 2: Apple's Magic Tablet Continues Enterprise Domination

The iPad 2 doesn't have any revolutionary new business features, but its cameras, in addition to increased comfort and speed, provide an incremental benefit to the...

Evaluate IPT VARs: The Four Key Questions

Enterprises that have identified a business need to migrate to IP Telephony (IPT) face several challenging decisions. While considerable time and effort typically go into...

Peer Survey Results Overview April 2011

Info-Tech recently conducted several surveys for our research projects. This document is a high level summary of those results and an introduction to the resulting research.

Desktop Virtualization Vendor Shortlist Tool

Info-Tech conducted its own market evaluation of six leading desktop virtualization solutions. Before sitting down with vendors, use this tool to narrow the vendors to a...

Flat Panels: Buy vs. Lease Worksheet

Crunching numbers related to purchase price and reliability enables IT managers to calculate TCO for different display options. Use Info-Tech's Flat Panels: Buy vs. Lease...

How Many Phone Lines Do You Need?

Determining the number of phone lines required for a facility can be a daunting task for IT leaders that have recently taken on telecom responsibilities. Planners should...

Exploit Disruptive Infrastructure Technology

As a CIO, there is a need to move beyond day-to-day technology management with an ever-increasing need to forecast technology impacts. Not just from a technical...
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PC Power Saving Plan Calculator

Organizations can cut PC energy consumption to save significant costs and reduce environmental impact. Use this tool to determine what cost savings are possible and to...
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