Communication and Collaboration Strategy Communication Plan

Use this template to plan your communications with stakeholder groups about your Enterprise Communication and Collaboration System.

Building Company Exemplar Collaboration Marketing One-Pager Materials

Use this template to create your own internal marketing materials for IT-supported collaboration services.

Establish a Communication and Collaboration System Strategy – Phase 3: Proselytize the Change

This phase of the blueprint, Establish a Communication and Collaboration System Strategy, will help you create an engagement plan for IT and end users.

Establish a Communication and Collaboration System Strategy – Phase 2: Map a Path Forward

This phase of the blueprint, Establish a Communication and Collaboration System Strategy, will help you create a path forward.

Building Company Communication and Collaboration Technology Improvement Plan Executive Presentation

Use this template to communicate your approach to communication and collaboration technology to stakeholders.

Remote Control Software and RFP Evaluation Tool

This tool enables enterprises to evaluate and compare the results of a remote control software RFP process quickly and easily.

EUC Roadmap and Project Monitoring Workbook

Use this tool to map out your end-user computing roadmap, and then to keep your team on track.

Welcome to the Post-PC Era

End users are living in a post-PC world in their personal lives. Learn about the trends within end-user computing and how to respond to them.

Modernize and Transform Your End-User Computing Strategy – Phases 1-3

This research will help you identify EUC goals, vision, and mission; build standard offerings for users; define governance and policies; and develop a migration plan and...

BYOD Acceptable Use Policy

The purpose of the BYOC Acceptable Use Policy is to define standards, procedures, and restrictions for end users who are connecting a personally-owned device to a...
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