Info-Tech conducted its own market evaluation of six leading desktop virtualization solutions. Before sitting down with vendors, use this tool to narrow the vendors to a...
Almost half of North American households already have televisions with smart capabilities (most through a separate device, but increasingly through features built-in to...
Organizations can cut PC energy consumption to save significant costs and reduce environmental impact. Use this tool to determine what cost savings are possible and to...
Use this template to document your vision, goals, and approach to communication and collaboration systems.
The mobile device reimbursement policy will outline the devices and voice/data plans that qualify for corporate reimbursement and the limits of corporate reimbursement of...
The guest wireless internet acceptable use policy outlines the appropriate and inappropriate use of guest wireless internet resources within a company.
Use this template as a starting point for external communications regarding your end-user computing strategy.
Use this template to document your end-user computing strategy in detail.
Having the ability to remote wipe is one of the most basic tools in IT's arsenal for securing mobile devices. Use this remote wipe waiver template to create a document...
Focus on creating a streamlined set of tools that users need and want. Shape demand for these supported tools by engaging with end users long after the initial deployment.