Annual Performance Review Alternative

This tool offers an alternative method for evaluating employee performance. This method, called Managing by Objectives (MBO), is focused on the setting of measurable...

Eight Recommendations to Ease the Stress of Offboarding IT Staff

Offboarding is an emotional roller coaster. Regardless of cause or reason, people will be upset. Leverage Info-Tech’s best practices and consult with HR to establish a...

Fast Track Tool: Leadership

The purpose of the Leadership Fast Track Tool is to focus on ways of developing your leadership skills that can be achieved within budgetary means so that you are able to...

A Personal Approach to Planning for Leadership Success

Many people are thrust into leadership positions without having had sufficient time to learn what their style is and how to execute effectively. The goal of this tool is...

Employee Departure Checklist Tool

An exit checklist should be used in all cases of employee departure, both voluntary and involuntary, to keep track of offboarding activities and to ensure offboarding...

Quality of Turnover Scorecard

Track turnover on a monthly and annual basis to get a clear picture of turnover quality. Use this scorecard to identify how your organization is tracking against turnover...

Staff Level Allocation Tool

The goal of this tool is to help IT departments track the distribution of staff at various experience levels and set a baseline for their hiring and professional...

Fast Track Human Resources Management

This Fast Track tool is a summary of other resources available on the Info-Tech website. It contains pointers to existing tools on the site and has the Interview...

Course Conference Request and Approval Form

Employees may wish to take part in a course or conference to fulfill elements of their professional development plan. However, courses or conferences can be costly and...

Training Effectiveness Survey

Training provides professional development for IT employees. This Training Effectiveness Survey can be used by training participants to assess the overall effectiveness...
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