Beware! Think of the Children: Software Licensing Pitfalls

As educational institutions ramp up in technology adoption, online tools can be very effective as a collaboration medium. However, beware the pitfalls of the license...

The Follett-Fujitsu Partnerships Lands in Ontario

The Ontario Education Collaborative Market awards Vendor of Record for Student Information System Follett Aspen and Fujitsu.

Get a Security Incident Response Plan on Your Syllabus

Educational institutions are a sweet spot as valuable, yet vulnerable, targets for cybercrime. Taking time to prepare formally for responding to security incidents will...

Single Sign-on: Are Too Many Passwords Frustrating Your Parents?

As education organizations, whether public or private, move more systems online, parent communication becomes both simpler and more complex. Having multiple systems can...

Problematic IT Processes for Elementary and Secondary Schools – Manage Service Catalog, Disaster Recovery Planning, and Business Continuity

Info-Tech’s IT Management & Governance Diagnostic provides industry-level insights on the challenges of IT departments. We use a concept known as “service gap” to compare...

Microsoft’s Ignite Announcements Take Direct Aim at the Competition

Microsoft’s Ignite conference speaks to enterprise developers and IT teams, and this year’s event is making waves with a slew of new product announcements aimed squarely...

VDI in Education: Give VDI a Full Panel Screening Before Succumbing to Its Seductive Charms

For a decade now VDI vendors have promised cost efficiencies along with a reduction in operational headache for IT. Not all VDI implementations in education have been a...

Augmented Reality for the Classroom Is Literally in Your Hands

Now is the time to bring augmented reality to the classroom. Incorporate the technology into your educational institution by leveraging smartphones and user-friendly apps.

The Future Role of AI in Fact Checking

In a recent project, we looked at blockchain startup Trive and its pursuit of a fact-checking truth database. It seems obvious and likely that competition will spring up....

Trive and Truth – Blockchain for Curriculum Validation

I recently had a conversation with the senior leadership of blockchain startup Trive to explore the potential role of blockchain in identifying and preserving the truth....
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