Value & Performance - Storyboard

Start Making Data-Driven People Decisions Storyboard

From choosing the right data for the right problem to evaluating your progress toward data-driven people decisions, follow these steps to build your foundation to people...

Start Making Data-Driven People Decisions – Phase 1: Define the Problem and Apply the Checklist

From choosing the right data for the right problem to evaluating your progress toward data-driven people decisions, follow these steps to build your foundation to people...

Create a Holistic IT Dashboard – Phase 3: Build the Action Plan

This phase of the Create a Holistic IT Dashboard blueprint will help you create an action plan based on your KPI review to improve performance.

Create a Holistic IT Dashboard – Phase 2: Build the Dashboard

This phase of the Create a Holistic IT Dashboard blueprint will help you configure the IT Management Dashboard tool available on the Info-Tech website.

Create a Holistic IT Dashboard – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you create an IT dashboard that will give IT leaders a holistic view of how the practices in their department are performing.

Create a Holistic IT Dashboard – Phase 1: Choose the KPIs

This phase of the Create a Holistic IT Dashboard blueprint will help you identify common IT KPIs that match your organizational goals.

Implement Lean Management Practices That Work – Phase 3: Design Huddle Board

This phase will help you determine the sections and content you want on your initial huddle boards.

Implement Lean Management Practices That Work – Phase 2: Determine the Scope of Your Implementation

This phase will help you define the scope of Lean management within your organization.

Implement Lean Management Practices That Work – Phase 1: Understand Lean Concepts

This phase of the blueprint will help you understand the concepts of Lean management.

Implement Lean Management Practices That Work – Phases 1-4

This blueprint will help you understand and develop a Lean management system.
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