Develop a Virtual CIO Engagement Playbook Storyboard

Author(s): Fred Chagnon

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IT service providers are keen to offer services beyond infrastructure management, backup and recovery, and technical support. They're looking up the value chain from trusted operator to trusted partner. A virtual CIO is a role that connects with businesses at a strategic level, offering technology advice and insight that drives true business value.

Use Info-Tech's methods and tools to:

  • Assess your own team's abilities to offer a virtual CIO service.
  • Refine your target audience, and articulate the service's value.
  • Develop win/win service agreements that properly scope the service offering.
  • Refine the tools and processes needed to operate at scale.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Build a Virtual CIO Engagement Playbook

Elevate your IT service from trusted technology operator to strategic technology partner.

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