People & Leadership - Storyboard

Effectively Recognize IT Employees – Phase 3: Implement the Recognition Program

The final phase of the blueprint will provide all the steps needed to rapidly build and roll out a recognition action and sustainment plan, including training managers to...

IT Talent Trends 2025 Report

As technology advances faster than ever, IT leaders must understand and act on emerging talent trends to stay ahead. This report provides a trend-by-trend guide to the...

Storyboard: Optimize the Mentoring Program to Build a High Performing Learning Organization

As workforce composition shifts, mentoring programs must move beyond the traditional senior-junior format option. Organizational culture and goals will dictate the best...

Drive IT Performance by Monitoring Employee Experience – Phase 3: Measure and Communicate Results

This phase of the blueprint, Drive IT Performance by Monitoring Employee Experience, will help you select and implement engagement initiatives for maximal impact and...

Drive IT Performance by Monitoring Employee Experience – Phase 1: Start Monitoring Employee Experience

This phase of the blueprint, Drive IT Performance by Monitoring Employee Experience, will introduce the Employee Experience Monitor and walk you through the setup so you...

Monitor IT Employee Experience – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you improve IT productivity and performance by establishing an employee experience-focused engagement program.

Become a Strategic CIO – Phase 1: Launch

Before getting started on your personal development as CIO, ensure you are ready to become a strategic partner.

Mitigate Key IT Employee Knowledge Loss Storyboard

Use this tool to define a specific process for managing security incidents and reducing their effects on the organization. Through effective knowledge transfer, minimize...

Effectively Recognize IT Employees – Phases 1-3

Follow Info-Tech's straightforward best practices to rapidly build an IT recognition program that drives team effectiveness – without the big financial or time investment.

Effectively Recognize IT Employees – Phase 1: Assess the Current Recognition Landscape

This phase will walk you through the data collection necessary to understand the current perceptions around recognition practices in the organization and determine the...
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