Losing employees in key roles without adequate preparation for their departure hinders productivity, knowledge retention, relationships, and opportunities. Practice sound...
As the world around us changes we must adapt to respond today and tomorrow. This workshop is for leaders who are required to think, act, and lead differently through...
Leadership has evolved over time. The velocity of change has increased and leadership for the future looks different than the past. This program is for all IT people...
Use this training deck to introduce managers to inclusive leadership behaviors. Customize this training deck with your organization's D&I initiatives and internal...
Focus is often first placed on figuring out the operational and process changes, leaving the people aspect until the end. This is the biggest mistake a manager can make...
Upskilling and finding sought after skills were challenging before the pandemic. How has it changed since? Learn more about skills priorities in this section.
Clearly communicate why accessibility is critical and how it supports the organization's key objectives and initiatives.
Culture's impact becoming increasingly apparent, yet there is often a gap between desired organizational culture and actual employee experience.
Because of remote work, shifting priorities, and other changes, performance management may have shifted to align with work changes. Learn about how uncertainty has...
Organizations are relying on IT to lead the critical, faster, and more frequent changes happening due to, among others, emerging technologies. An effective OCM strategy...