Build an IT Succession Plan

Key roles hold an organization’s most valued knowledge and skills. In the worst cast scenario, a key employee’s departure results in loss of valuable knowledge, core...
  • guided implementation icon

Build an IT Succession Plan Storyboard

Losing employees in key roles without adequate preparation for their departure hinders productivity, knowledge retention, relationships, and opportunities. Practice sound...

Key Roles Succession Planning Tool

Use this tool to document key roles, incumbents, potential successors, and associated readiness and risk points.

Storyboard: Help Managers Inform, Interact, and Involve on the Way to Team Engagement

Employee engagement on the team level should be owned by those who have the greatest impact on employees’s daily lives – their managers.

Engagement Feedback Session Agenda Template

The Engagement Feedback Session Agenda Template provides managers with a customizable, step-by step guide to conducting a team meeting to share insights on what the...

New Hire Conversation Guide

The first step to engaging new employees is getting to know them. New hire conversations are informal interviews that should be conducted within the first 90 days of an...

Organizational Change Management Capabilities Assessment

The Organizational Change Management Capabilities Assessment is designed to evaluate your current capabilities, opportunities, and challenges around managing...

Stakeholder Engagement Workbook

Use this Stakeholder Engagement Workbook to create a prioritized list of people who are affected or can affect your project, and to determine how best to communicate with...

Organizational Change Management Playbook

Use this Organizational Change Management Playbook to institute and continue to improve best practices around organizational change.

Create a Service Management Roadmap – Phases 1-4

This blueprint will help you develop a roadmap for your service management program.
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