CIO - Storyboard

Start Making Data-Driven People Decisions – Phase 1: Define the Problem and Apply the Checklist

From choosing the right data for the right problem to evaluating your progress toward data-driven people decisions, follow these steps to build your foundation to people...

Tech Trend Update: If Digital Ethics Then Data Equity Storyboard

The COVID-19 crisis demands solutions, and some technologists might insist it's time to move fast and break things. But building new technologies without digital ethics...

Tech Trend Update: If Biosecurity Then Autonomous Edge Storyboard

The COVID-19 pandemic has created an urgent need for improved biosecurity. Organizations are implementing technology solutions that demonstrate how AI can be applied at...

Create a Holistic IT Dashboard – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you create an IT dashboard that will give IT leaders a holistic view of how the practices in their department are performing.

Create a Holistic IT Dashboard – Phase 1: Choose the KPIs

This phase of the Create a Holistic IT Dashboard blueprint will help you identify common IT KPIs that match your organizational goals.

Create a Holistic IT Dashboard – Phase 2: Build the Dashboard

This phase of the Create a Holistic IT Dashboard blueprint will help you configure the IT Management Dashboard tool available on the Info-Tech website.

Create a Holistic IT Dashboard – Phase 3: Build the Action Plan

This phase of the Create a Holistic IT Dashboard blueprint will help you create an action plan based on your KPI review to improve performance.

Build a Platform-Based Organization Storyboard

Large organizations end up creating bureaucracies, which slow down the pace of innovation. An antidote to bureaucracy is a platform structure: small, autonomous teams,...

Tech Trend Update: If Contact Tracing Then Distributed Trust Storyboard

The concept of distributed trust in technology design has become even more important as mobile contact tracing apps emerge as a tool to help fight COVID-19.

Evolve Your Business Through Innovation Storyboard

While the impacts are still highly uncertain, there are tactics that innovation teams can be pursuing to help their organizations through this period and into a more...
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