CIO - Storyboard

Kick-Start IT-Led Business Innovation – Phase 4: Mature Innovation Capability

Once you have demonstrated IT's ability to innovate, invest in formalizing the IT-led innovation process and implement a program to increase staff engagement with innovation.

Effectively Recognize IT Employees – Phases 1-3

Follow Info-Tech's straightforward best practices to rapidly build an IT recognition program that drives team effectiveness – without the big financial or time investment.

Effectively Recognize IT Employees – Phase 1: Assess the Current Recognition Landscape

This phase will walk you through the data collection necessary to understand the current perceptions around recognition practices in the organization and determine the...

Effectively Recognize IT Employees – Phase 2: Design the Recognition Program

This phase of the blueprint will help you to develop the structure and processes to enable effective recognition in your IT organization.

Effectively Recognize IT Employees – Phase 3: Implement the Recognition Program

The final phase of the blueprint will provide all the steps needed to rapidly build and roll out a recognition action and sustainment plan, including training managers to...

Drive Efficiency and Agility with a Fit-for-Purpose Quality Management Program – Phases 1-4

This blueprint walks a CIO through the building and implementing of fit-for-purpose quality management program in an effort to enhance IT quality, increase business...

Drive Efficiency and Agility with a Fit-for-Purpose Quality Management Program – Phase 1: Position the Quality Program

Hold a positioning working session to focus the program around business needs, create solid targets, and create quality champions to get the job done.

Become a Strategic CIO – Phase 1: Launch

Before getting started on your personal development as CIO, ensure you are ready to become a strategic partner.

Build a Strategic Workforce Plan – Phase 1: Initiate the Project

Begin your strategic workforce planning project by identifying goals and metrics, and drafting a project charter.

Build a Strategic Workforce Plan – Phase 3: Build and Monitor the SWP

The effort you put in place to fill workforce gaps needs to be appropriate for the benefits you hope to achieve. Fiercely prioritize your initiatives and ensure the...
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