This phase of the blueprint, Double Your Organization’s Effectiveness With a Digital Twin, will help you assess how digital twin technology can fit into your...
This storyboard will help you gain support from the business for open data and use that support to build a successful open data program with a defined policy, processes,...
This phase of the blueprint, Position IT to Support and Be a Leader in Open Data Initiatives, will help you identify your open data program's current state maturity and...
This phase of the blueprint, Position IT to Support and Be a Leader in Open Data Initiatives, will help you identify a target state maturity and reach it through building...
This storyboard will help you implement effective development planning that is manager-supported and builds necessary skills and knowledge for your work environment.
This phase of the blueprint Implement Effective Development Planning will help you understand your employees' development needs and assist them in setting appropriate...
This phase of the blueprint Implement Effective Development Planning will help you establish a set of development activities that can be undertaken by employees to...
This phase of the blueprint Implement Effective Development Planning will help you equip managers with the skills and knowledge to provide ongoing support for employee...
This trend report will introduce emerging technology trends for 2019, their impact, and a framework for navigating them.
Read this section of the report to learn about distributed applications and their impact on the technological landscape.