Never start your communications from a blank page. Leverage the tools and resources available on this Communications Research Center to support any IT communication....
The purpose of this blueprint is to support any IT employee planning, composing, and delivering IT communications to audiences up, down, and across your organization in...
The role of IT has evolved throughout the past couple generations to enable fundamental business transformations. In the autonomization era, it will have to evolve again...
The pace and uncertainty in the current business environment introduces new and emerging vulnerabilities that can disrupt an organization’s strategy on short notice....
Once the scope of the digital strategy and its goals are finalized, the heavy lifting begins. The CIO must prepare for this change by evaluating opportunities and...
Implementing a holistic and proactive ESG reporting framework is essential to unlocking and driving sustainable corporate performance. IT leaders have a role to play as...
Digital identity has many dimensions and categories, and its ecosystem's sustainability lies in the key principles it is built on. It is crucial to understand its key...
Flexible work has been shown to have proven benefits for both employees and employers. Organizations that get it right experience higher engagement, job satisfaction,...
Business architecture provides a holistic and unified view of the organization’s activities that provide value to their clients and the of the resources that make those...
Tech layoffs have been making the news over the past year. After years of record low unemployment in IT, many leaders are looking to take advantage of these layoffs to...