Use this tool to determine which areas of the software development lifecycle you should focus on improving for quality assurance.
Use this tool to prioritize, document, and schedule the optimization initiatives for improving your SQA practice.
Use this tool to help select a specific use case that matches your organizational needs for text-based customer support.
Ensure traceability for your text-based customer support requirements.
Use the Text-Based Customer Support TCO Tool to help determine if one or more use cases for text-based support make sense for your organization to pursue.
Use this tool to assess a proposed contract from a software vendor.
This Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) calculator provides enterprises with a framework for comparing the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) delivery model with the traditional...
Build your negotiation timeline based on your vendor’s fiscal year. Check this calendar before contacting your vendor.
Use this tool to assess a proposed contract from a SaaS vendor.
This tool will help you prioritize your negotiation of key terms in your SaaS contract.