Select and Implement a Social Media Management Platform

SMMPs reduce complexity and increase the results of enterprise social media initiatives. SMMPs integrate with a variety of different social media services, including...
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Top 10 Strategies for Reducing Costs

Cutting costs can be an overwhelming and painful task, but knowing where to focus your efforts can make it easier. Take a look at our top ten favorite strategies. It... Not Your Father's CRM Anymore

At Dreamforce 2011, unveiled more capabilities in the areas of enterprise collaboration and platform as a service (PaaS). The company is making it clear...

Information Architect

The Information Architect (IA) guides projects on their overall high level solution approach, engages with the architecture team, and chairs the formal architecture... Buyer's Advice

Info-Tech's buyer's advice will help you optimize spending on and avoid buyer's remorse.

Social Media Opportunity Assessment Tool

The Social Media Opportunity Assessment Tool is designed to identify achievable goals in three social media target areas: sales, marketing, and customer service.

Quick Wins Save 5% Now!

Do you need to make a difference this week? This month? Take a look at these tactics and tools to build your guerilla plan.

Test Lean and Mean with Six Software Testing Goals

IT managers who strive to improve the functional quality of software need only concern themselves with six primary testing goals. To meet these goals, six basic types of...

Change Control – Freezes & Risk Evaluation Policy

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that IT staff recognize that changes to computer systems tend to destabilize those systems.

Software Acquisition and Usage Policy

Use Info-Tech's sample policy to launch software acquisition management efforts to the top of your priority list.
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