Recruit IT Talent

Improve candidate experience to hire top IT talent.


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Without improving the CX2:

  • The organization may lose candidates to talent competitors.
  • You may also lose applicants as customers through a negative organizational perception.
  • Candidates may privately or publicly criticize the organization based on their experience.

By designing a CX2 that is aligned with the employer brand:

  • The organization will stand out among competitors.
  • Candidates with encouraging experiences often become brand ambassadors.
  • The organization will attract the right talent and engage job seekers.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Establish Your Current Process and Set Redesign Goals

The Purpose

  • Assess the organization’s current state for CX2.
  • Set baseline metrics for comparison with new initiatives.
  • Establish goals to strengthen the CX2.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Gained understanding of where the organization is currently.
  • Established where the organization would like to be and goals to achieve the new state.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Review process map of current candidate lifecycle.
  • Process map
1.2 Analyze qualitative and quantitative data gathered.
  • CX2 data analyzed
1.3 Set organizational objectives and project goals.
1.4 Set metrics to measure progress on high-level goals.
  • Candidate Experience Project Charter

Module 2: Use Design Thinking to Assess the Candidate Experience

The Purpose

  • Apply design thinking methods to identify pain points in your candidate lifecycle.
  • Assess the competition and analyze results.
  • Empathize with candidates and their journey.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Segments with pain points have been identified.
  • Competitor offering and differentiation has been analyzed.
  • Candidate thoughts and feelings have been synthesized.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Identify extreme users.
  • Extreme users identified
2.2 Conduct an immersive empathy session or go through the process as if you were a target candidate.
2.3 Identify talent competitors.
2.4 Analyze competitive landscape.
  • Known and unknown talent competitor’s CX2 analyzed
2.5 Synthesize research findings and create empathy map.
  • Empathy map created
2.6 Journey map the CX2.
  • Journey map created

Module 3: Redesign the Candidate Experience

The Purpose

  • Create a communications and action plan and set metrics to measure success.
  • Set expectations with hiring managers and talent acquisition specialists through a service level agreement.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Action plan created.
  • Metrics set to track progress and assess improvement.
  • Service level agreement completed and expectations collaboratively set.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Assess each stage of the lifecycle.
  • CX2 lifecycle stages prioritized
3.2 Set success metrics for priority lifecycle stages.
  • Metrics to measure progress set
3.3 Select actions from the Candidate Experience Best Practices Action Guide.
  • CX2 best practices selected
3.4 Brainstorm other potential (organization-specific) solutions.
  • Candidate Experience Assessment Tool
3.5 Set action timeline and assign accountabilities.
  • Candidate Experience Action and Communication Plan
3.6 Customize service level agreement guidelines.
  • Service level agreement guidelines.
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