Use Experience Design to Drive Empathy With the Business

Use design thinking and journey mapping to make IT the business’ go-to problem solver.


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IT departments have difficulty executing successful projects in partnership with the business for the following reasons:

  • Business needs are unclear or ambiguous.
  • IT and the business do not know how to leverage each other’s talent and resources to meet their common goals.
  • Not enough steps are taken to fully understand and validate problems.
  • IT can’t pivot fast enough when the business’s needs change.

The difficulties IT has with understanding business needs and partnering with the business can be addressed by applying the following tactics:

  • Empathize with business stakeholders. Understand how the business’s needs, wants, and expectations fit into their bigger picture.
  • Formalize the business analysis process. Use problem-centric thinking to ensure you use the right approach to solving a business problem.
  • Collaboratively create journey maps. Understand how your business stakeholders behave outside of IT’s field of vision.
  • Predict business needs and pivot early. Systematically develop and test design hypotheses to quickly and definitively pivot your approach to solving problems.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Introduction to Journey Mapping

The Purpose

Understand the method and purpose of journey mapping.

Key Benefits Achieved

Initial understanding of the journey mapping process and the concept of end-user empathy.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Introduce team and discuss workshop motivations and goals.
1.2 Discuss overview of journey mapping process.
1.3 Perform journey mapping case study activity.
  • Case Study Deliverables – Journey Map and Empathy Maps

Module 2: Persona Creation

The Purpose

Begin to understand the goals and motivations of your stakeholders using customer segmentation and an empathy mapping exercise.

Key Benefits Achieved

Understand the demographic and psychographic factors driving stakeholder behavior.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Discuss psychographic stakeholder segmentation.
2.2 Create empathy maps for four segments.
  • Stakeholder personas
2.3 Generate problem statements.
2.4 Identify target market.
  • Target market of IT

Module 3: Interview Stakeholders and Start a Journey Map

The Purpose

Get first-hand knowledge of stakeholder needs and start to capture their perspective with a first-iteration journey map.

Key Benefits Achieved

Capture the process stakeholders use to solve problems and empathize with their perspectives, pains, and gains.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Review discovery interviewing techniques.
  • Customized discovery interview template
3.2 Review and modify the discovery questionnaire
  • Results of discovery interviewing
3.3 Demonstrate stakeholder interview.
3.4 Synthesize learnings and begin creating a journey map.

Module 4: Complete the Journey Map and Create a Research Study

The Purpose

Hypothesize the stakeholder journey, identify assumptions, plan a research study to validate your understanding, and ideate around critical junctures in the journey.

Key Benefits Achieved

Understand the stakeholder journey and ideate solutions with the intention of improving their experience with IT.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Finish the journey map.
  • Completed journey map for one IT process, product, or service
4.2 Identify assumptions and create hypotheses.
4.3 Discuss field research and hypothesis testing.
4.4 Design the research study.
  • Research study design and action plan
4.5 Discuss concluding remarks and next steps.
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