Unify IT in the Education Sector

The intersection of local insight and organizational excellence.


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Many universities, colleges, and schools have service duplications, and these duplications increase waste.

  • Increased costs and reduced faith in the institution’s IT are the result of a lack of collaboration among IT units.
  • Unifying IT is challenging for many institutions. It requires accurate planning and efficient communication between participating organizations.

Follow Info-Tech’s approach to unifying IT at institutions of education:

  • Convince key stakeholders that IT unification is in everyone’s best interest.
  • Understand the value of shared services and determine whether transitioning to shared services would benefit their organization.
  • Understanding the opportunity for IT unification extends beyond cost savings to greater harmony in a time of rapid change.
  • Identify the best implementation plan based on their goals, needs, and services.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Clarify Your Mandate

The Purpose

Conduct analysis and facilitate discussions to uncover how IT unification is best approached.

Key Benefits Achieved

A clearly defined approach and set of IT capabilities to begin IT unification.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Create the mission and vision.
  • Mission and vision statements
1.2 Identify the guiding principles. 
  • Guiding principles
1.3 Document the institutional context. 
  • List of high-priority capabilities
1.4 Identify high-priority capabilities.
  • List of high-priority capabilities

Module 2: Describe Your Current State

The Purpose

Identify and define which IT services should be central to IT unification.

Key Benefits Achieved

A defined understanding of the priority services that need to be addressed to support unification.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Gather and stack the services. 
  • Service categories
2.2 Compile a list of priority services.
  • List of priority services
2.3 Establish common service descriptions.
  • Service descriptions
2.4 Construct a limited IT service catalog.
  • Limited service catalog

Module 3: Determine Your Future State

The Purpose

Discover how unification should be addressed based on the individual mandate of the institution.

Key Benefits Achieved

A calculated assessment of the benefits of unification and a future-state operating model to deliver those benefits.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Assess the benefits of sharing and distributing priority services.
  • Documented benefits of sharing or distributing services
3.2 Calculate the benefits of economies of scale.
  • Costs of sharing
3.3 Identify your IT operating model.
  • IT operating model

Module 4: Plan Your Roadmap

The Purpose

Identify an effective governance model, key initiatives, and a transition team to lead you to the desired state.

Key Benefits Achieved

A plan for your governance, working group, and roadmap to begin the reorganization towards unification.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Document governance.
  • Governance model
4.2 Determine the transition approach and team.
  • Defined working group
4.3 Build a roadmap.
  • Roadmap
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