Transform PPM to Optimize Value From Every Investment

Develop a game plan for integrating AI into your PPM practices.

Book This Workshop

Without a strategic approach to implementing Exponential IT technologies for PPM you risk:

  • Creating an unrealistic roadmap.
  • Chasing AI for PPM use cases that don't address project challenges or deliver value.
  • Suffering reputational damage.

With a strategic approach to implementing Exponential IT technologies for PPM you can:

  • Create a realistic roadmap that you can deliver.
  • Identify and adopt the AI for PPM use cases that you need.
  • Gain the respect of your leadership and peers as a PPM technology leader.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

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Module 1: Assess Readiness and Challenges

The Purpose

Assess your readiness for Exponential IT in PPM and identify the project portfolio management challenges you're hoping to address through emerging technologies.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Situational awareness of your readiness for Exponential IT for PPM
  • Confirmation or disproof that technology solutions are the right cure for your project porftolio ailments

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Review the Exponential IT for PPM landscape.
  • Situational awareness of the Exponential IT for PPM landscape
1.2 Perform a readiness assessment.
  • Knowledge of your current readiness and areas for improvement
1.3 Identify project challenges driving the need for AI-enabled improvements.
  • Identification of the root causes of your top PPM challenges

Module 2: Interrogate Challenges and Technology Needs

The Purpose

Unpack the root causes of your PPM challenge pain points and assess your organization's cultural disposition toward Exponential IT to help shape your roadmap.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • A business case for using exponential IT technologies (such as AI or GenAI) to address your PPM pain points

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Explore root causes of challenges across PPM domains.
  • An interrogation of how PPM, project management, and organizational change management shortfalls contribute to overall PPM challenges
2.2 Analyze the pressures you're facing to adopt, and the risks of failing to adopt, Exponential IT technologies.
  • A risk analysis of adopting (and failing to adopt) AI-enabled technologies for PPM
2.3 Define transformation vision and mission statements.
  • Custom vision and mission statements for your PMO (or equivalent) and your PPM transformation
2.4 Identify and articulate PPM strategic goals.
  • Guiding strategic goals or principles for your transformation

Module 3: Make Sense of Available Use Cases

The Purpose

Understand your AI use case needs for PPM relative to what's currently available on the market or through citizen-AI approaches.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • A prioritized list of use cases relevant to your PPM challenges that you can research, explore, and (where possible) start to implement post-workshop.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Discuss and document near-term use case expectations and needs.
  • Analysis of use case needs
3.2 Review Info-Tech's library of current use case options.
  • An understanding of use case options
3.3 Discuss and reconcile options with expectations.
  • A high-level understanding of where the market is relative to AI use cases
3.4 Analyze the value, viability, and feasibility of near-term and long-term use cases.
  • A prioritized list of use cases relevant to your PPM challenges

Module 4: Wireframe an Initial Transformation Plan

The Purpose

Identify your target state readiness milestones and wireframe your PPM transformation roadmap.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Identification of where you need to get to within the scope of your roadmap horizon
  • A game plan for reaching that horizon through specific Exponential IT for PPM initiatives

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Determine target-state readiness milestones.
  • Target-state identification
4.2 Prioritize and exclude capabilities on roadmap.
  • A list of Exponential IT for PPM initiatives that will help you realize your target state.
4.3 Distill initiatives from prioritized capabilities.
  • A prioritized approach to planning your initiatives based on the capability improvements most important to you
4.4 Categorize and plan the basics of initial roadmap initiatives.
  • A high-level timeline for your executive initatives

Module 5: Finalize Your Transformation Plan

The Purpose

Info-Tech's workshop facilitator will finalize your PPM transformation plan post-workshop based on the four days of input. There may be additional post-workshop touchpoints to fine tune your roadmap and ensure you are equipped with everything you need.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • A boardroom-ready presentation template to document and communicate your PPM transformation plan to your IT and business partners

Activities: Outputs:
5.1 Refine your roadmap.
  • A finalized version of your roadmap
5.2 Discuss your roadmap reporting needs with an Info-Tech analyst. They may also help you set up the PPM Transformation Dashboard or another of Info-Tech's Excel- or Power BI-based PPM solutions.
  • Configured reporting needs
5.3 Finalize your transformation plan presentation.
  • A finalized PPM transformation plan
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