Sustain and Grow the Maturity of Innovation in Your Enterprise

Going to the next level of maturity for innovation.


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An innovation program that does not have a formalized process inherently exhibits many flaws:

  • Innovation projects are not achieving the desired return.
  • Innovations are low level.
  • Innovation initiatives are dispersed and the department doesn’t have a grasp on innovation as a whole.

Formalizing the innovation process will allow for improved efficiency, quality, and management of innovations:

  • Returns will be maximized through a portfolio-based approach.
  • Managing the psychological capital of the innovation program will enable the creation of high-level innovations.
  • Updating the IT strategy to formalize the innovation process allows for more structured management of innovations.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Pre-Work

The Purpose

  • Gather data that will be analyzed in the workshop.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Information gathered with which analysis can be performed.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Do an inventory of innovations/prototypes underway.
  • Up-to-date inventory of innovations/prototypes
1.2 High-level overview of all existing project charters, and documentation of innovation program.
  • Document review of innovation program and its results to date
1.3 Poll working group or key stakeholders in regards to scope of innovation program.
  • Draft scope of the innovation program and understanding of the timelines

Module 2: Scope and Define

The Purpose

  • Scope the innovation program and gain buy-in from major stakeholders.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Buy-in from IT steering committee for innovation program improvements.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Establish or re-affirm values for the program.
2.2 Run an initial assessment of the organization’s innovation potential (macro level).
2.3 Set/reaffirm scope and budget for the program.
2.4 Define or refine goals and outcomes for the program.
2.5 Confirm/re-confirm risk tolerance of organization.
2.6 Update/document innovation program.
  • Innovation program and terms of reference
2.7 Create presentation to gain support from the IT steering committee.
  • Presentation on organization innovation program for IT steering committee

Module 3: Assess and Aspire

The Purpose

  • Analyze the current performance of the innovation program and identify areas for improvement.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Identify actionable items that can be undertaken in order to improve the performance of the innovation program.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Assess your level of innovation per innovation project (micro level).
  • Positive innovation assessment
3.2 Update the risk tolerance level of the program.
3.3 Determine if your blend of innovation projects is ideal.
3.4 Re-prioritize your innovation projects (if needed).
  • Re-prioritized innovation projects
3.5 Plan update to IT steering committee.
  • Updated presentation for IT steering committee
3.6 Assess positive innovation assessment of team.
3.7 Opportunity analysis of innovation program and team.

Module 4: Implement and Inspire

The Purpose

  • Formalize the innovation program by tying it into the IT strategy.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • A formalized innovation program that is closely tied to the IT strategy.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Update business context in terms of impact on IT implications.
  • Updated business context
4.2 Update IT strategy in terms of impact and benefits of innovation program.
  • Updated IT strategy
4.3 Update/create innovation program implementation plan.
  • Innovation implementation plan, including roadmap
4.4 Plan update for IT steering committee.
  • Updated presentation given to IT steering committee
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