Succeed With Digital Strategy Execution

Building a digital strategy is only half the battle: create a systematic roadmap of technology initiatives to execute the strategy and drive digital transformation.


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Creating an effective digital strategy is the first step – translating it into action is the next. However, many organizations lack a systematic process for doing so, which results in:

  • A digital strategy that sits on the shelf and is never put into practice.
  • A digital strategy that goes over time or budget.
  • A digital strategy that fails to take stock of application investments and ecosystems, and duplicates efforts with what’s occurring elsewhere in the business.

Having a systematic approach for digital strategy execution has many benefits:

  • It ensures that the digital strategy is used, not read.
  • It allows organizations to link their digital strategy to new and developing application capabilities, such as artificial intelligence.
  • It uses an application roadmap approach to drive business transformation via specific enterprise applications, such as CRM and marketing automation.

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Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Validate the Digital Strategy

The Purpose

  • Review and validate the formal enterprise digital strategy.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Confirmation of the goals, objectives, and direction of the organization’s digital strategy.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Review the initial digital strategy.
1.2 Determine gaps.
1.3 Refine digital strategy scope and vision.
1.4 Finalize digital strategy and validate with stakeholders.
  • Validated digital strategy

Module 2: Parse Critical Technology Drivers

The Purpose

  • Enumerate relevant technology drivers from the digital strategy.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • List of technology drivers to pursue based on goals articulated in the digital strategy.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Identify affected process domains.
  • Affected process domains (based on APQC)
2.2 Brainstorm impacts of digital strategy on technology enablement.
2.3 Distill critical technology drivers.
  • Critical technology drivers for the digital strategy
2.4 Identify KPIs for each driver.

Module 3: Map Drivers to Enabling Applications

The Purpose

  • Relate your digital strategy drivers to specific, actionable application areas.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Understand the interplay between the digital strategy and impacted application domains.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Build and review current application inventory for digital.
  • Current-state application inventory
3.2 Execute fit-gap analysis between drivers and current state inventory.
  • Fit-gap analysis
3.3 Pair technology drivers to specific enabling application categories.

Module 4: Understand Applications

The Purpose

  • Understand how different applications support the digital strategy.
  • Understand the art of the possible.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Knowledge of how applications are evolving from a features and capabilities perspective, and how this pertains to digital strategy enablement.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Application spotlight: customer experience.
4.2 Application spotlight: content and collaboration.
4.3 Application spotlight: business intelligence.
4.4 Application spotlight: enterprise resource planning.
  • Application spotlights

Module 5: Build the Digital Application Roadmap

The Purpose

  • Create a concrete, actionable roadmap of application and technology initiatives to move the digital strategy forward.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Clear, concise articulation of application roadmap for supporting digital that can be communicated to the business.

Activities: Outputs:
5.1 Build list of enabling projects and applications.
5.2 Create prioritization criteria.
5.3 Build the digital strategy application roadmap.
  • Application roadmap for the digital strategy
5.4 Socialize the roadmap.
5.5 Delineate responsibility for roadmap execution.
  • RACI chart for digital strategy roadmap execution
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