Recruit and Retain More Women in IT

Gender diversity is directly correlated to IT performance.


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The majority of organizations take a one-size-fits-all approach to retaining and engaging employees. However:

  • Studies show that women are leaving IT in significantly higher proportions than men.
  • The drivers impacting men’s and women’s retention are different.

A strategy to recruit and retain more women in IT will:

  • Expand your talent pool.
  • Increase the speed to hire for open positions in your department.
  • Reduce turnover within your teams.
  • Engage and retain your best female talent.

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Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Make the Case for Strategically Recruiting and Retaining Women in IT

The Purpose

Identify the need for a targeted strategy to recruit and retain women in IT and pinpoint your largest opportunities to drive diversity in your IT team.

Key Benefits Achieved

Establish goals and targets for the changes to be made to your IT recruitment and retention strategies.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Understand trends in IT staffing.
1.2 Assess your talent lifecycle challenges and opportunities.
  • Recruitment & Retention Metrics Report
1.3 Make the case for changes to recruitment and retention strategies.
  • Business Case for Recruitment and Retention Changes

Module 2: Develop Strategies to Sell Your Organization to Wider Candidate Pool

The Purpose

The way you position the organization impacts who is likely to apply to posted positions. Ensure you are putting a competitive foot forward by developing a unique, meaningful, and aspirational employee value proposition and clear job descriptions.

Key Benefits Achieved

Implement effective strategies to drive more applications to your job postings.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Develop an IT employee value proposition.
  • Employee Value Proposition
2.2 Adopt your employee value proposition.
  • EVP Marketing Plan
2.3 Write meaningful job postings.
  • Revised Job Ads

Module 3: Expand Your Talent Sourcing Strategy

The Purpose

  • Sourcing shouldn’t start with an open position, it should start with identifying an anticipated need and then building and nurturing a talent pipeline.
  • IT participation in this is critical to effectively promote the employee experience and foster relationships before candidates even apply.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Develop a modern job requisition form though role analysis.
  • Increase your candidate pool by expanding sourcing programs.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Build realistic job requisition forms.
  • Job requisition form for key roles
3.2 Identify new alternative sourcing approaches for talent.
3.3 Build a sourcing strategy.
  • Sourcing strategy for key roles

Module 4: Secure Top Talent

The Purpose

  • Work with your HR department to influence the recruitment process by taking a data-driven approach to understanding the root cause of applicant drop-off and success and take corrective actions.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Optimize your selection process.
  • Implement non-bias interview techniques in your selection process.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Assess key selection challenges.
  • Root-Cause Analysis of Section Challenges
4.2 Implement behavioral interview techniques.
  • Behavioral Interview Guide

Module 5: Retain Top Women in IT

The Purpose

  • Employee engagement is one of the greatest predictors of intention to stay.
  • To retain employees you need to understand not only engagement, but also your employee experience and the moments that matter, and actively work to create positive experience.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Identify opportunities to drive engagement across your IT organization.
  • Implement tactical programs to reduce turnover in IT.

Activities: Outputs:
5.1 Measure employee engagement and review results.
  • Identified Employee Engagement Action Plan
5.2 Identify new alternative sourcing approaches for talent.
5.3 Train managers to conduct stay interviews and drive employee engagement.
  • Action Plan to Execute Stay Interviews
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