Social Media

Make your social media strategy soar.


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Ad hoc social media management causes:

  • Wasted resources on ineffective social media channels.
  • Missed opportunities to capture customer insights.
  • Inconsistent communication to prospects and customers.
  • Insufficient employee guidance for acceptable social media usage.
  • Duplication of effort across business units.
  • Poorly defined roles and responsibilities.

A formalized social media strategy leads to:

  • Clear social media goals and objectives.
  • Optimal social media channel coverage.
  • A great fit between organization capabilities and social media requirements.
  • Strong integration between social media and existing business processes.
  • A comprehensive social media governance strategy.
  • Well-defined metric for tracking success.

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Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Setting Your Objectives for Social Media

The Purpose

  • Understand the major trends and benefits of developing a social media business plan.
  • Determine success of current social media efforts.
  • Establish department-level social media business objectives.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Identify areas for improvement within social media efforts.
  • A comprehensive, prioritized list of business objectives.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Harness the social media value proposition.
  • Current status assessment results
1.2 Assess current social media efforts.
  • List of capability gaps
1.3 Set social media objectives.
  • Business objective list

Module 2: Leveraging Social Media for Marketing and Sales

The Purpose

  • Assess the social media maturity of sales and marketing.
  • Select social media channels for the sales and marketing groups.
  • Integrate social media into existing business processes.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Identify areas for improvement within social media efforts specific to marketing and sales.
  • A recommended list of social media services for sales and marketing based on customer demographics and organization goals.
  • A refined workflow map incorporating social media into marketing and sales business processes.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Build a social channel market coverage model.
  • Marketing and sales social media maturity assessment
2.2 Select social media channels for the sales and marketing groups.
  • Marketing and sales social media services recommendations
2.3 Use social media to sell to prospects and customers.
  • Sample marketing messages
2.4 Select social services to integrate with sales.
  • Sample sales messages
2.5 Embed social media into the sales process.
  • Social media workflow map
2.6 Capture market insights through social channels.

Module 3: Enable Customer Service Using Social Media

The Purpose

  • Assess the social media maturity of customer service.
  • Select social media channels for the customer service group.
  • Integrate social media into existing customer service processes.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Identify areas for improvement within social media efforts specific to customer service.
  • A recommended list of social media services for customer service based on customer demographics and organization goals.
  • A refined workflow map incorporating social media into customer service business processes.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Execute customer service in a social world.
  • Customer service social media maturity assessment
3.2 Incorporate social media into customer initiated service.
  • Customer service social media services recommendations
3.3 Scan the social cloud for proactive service opportunities.
  • Common issue response problem
3.4 Help your customers help each other.
  • Watchword list
  • Social media workflow map
  • Rewards and recognition strategy

Module 4: Technology Enablement for Your Social Media Strategy

The Purpose

  • Understand the benefits of deploying a social media management platform.
  • Assess your social analytics maturity.
  • Review social media management platform vendors.
  • Develop a social analytics plan to track and monitor success of social media.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • An evaluation of current social media analytics maturity.
  • A customized social media management platform vendor shortlist.
  • A robust list of social media KPI specific to marketing, sales, customer service, human resources, and public relations.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Making the case for a social media management platform.
  • Social media management platform vendor shortlist
4.2 Select a social media management platform vendor.
  • Social media management platform RFP
4.3 Develop a social analytics plan.
  • Social analytics maturity assessment
  • KPI list
  • Social analytics business plan

Module 5: Social Media Governance and Change Management

The Purpose

  • Establish a social media steering committee.
  • Identify implementation risks and create mitigation strategies.
  • Develop a stakeholder communication plan.
  • Identify when to revisit the social media strategy.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Ensure IT and business units have appropriate representation on steering committee.
  • All roles affected by social media are identified and a plan to communicate change and train end-users is established.
  • Proactively identify risks and develop mitigation strategies and contingency plans.

Activities: Outputs:
5.1 Put strong governance in place for social media.
  • Roles and responsibilities list
5.2 Mitigate the risks of social media.
  • Social media steering committee charter
5.3 Communicating change around social media initiatives.
  • Risk mitigation strategy
  • Communication plan
  • Training framework
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