Select and Implement an Intrusion Detection and Prevention System

Reduce risks to critical systems and data with IDPS-enabled visibility and responsiveness.


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An immature selection and implementation process for the IDPS solution may lead to the following:

  • Wasted investment on an IDPS solution that doesn’t meet your requirements.
  • Organization is subject to vulnerabilities if the IDPS solution is ineffective for your specific network security needs.
  • Inefficient allocation of resources when selecting and implementing the solution.

A formalized selection and implementation process for IDPS leads to the following benefits:

  • Clear understanding of how IDPS benefits the organization.
  • Thoroughly documented audit trail.
  • Confidence that the most applicable solution is chosen to address specific organizational needs.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Launch Your IDPS Selection Project

The Purpose

  • Identify the advantages of IDPS to your organization.
  • Analyze the costs and benefits of the solution.
  • Prepare for the selection process.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Understanding of how to quantify the value of the IDPS solution.
  • Justified argument for the cost of the IDPS solution.
  • Formally documented procurement process.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Identify drivers behind IDPS procurement.
  • Rationale behind the IDPS procurement.
1.2 Assess IDPS appropriateness.
  • Understanding of the appropriateness of the tool.
1.3 Understand cost-benefits of IDPS.
  • Completed IDPS Financial Calculator.
1.4 Identify staff resourcing and stakeholders.
  • Identification of staff and stakeholders.
1.5 Create IDPS selection project plan.
  • Completed IDPS Procurement Project Charter.
1.6 Determine metrics for IDPS evaluation.
  • List of metrics to assess the solution.
1.7 Select pilot group.
  • Pilot group identified to test the solution.

Module 2: Analyze IDPS Requirements and Shortlist Vendors

The Purpose

  • Determine what you need from an IDPS solution.
  • Understand the use case that applies to your organization.
  • Identify the top solutions for your organizational needs.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Alignment of IDPS requirements with the business.
  • Appraisal and identification of the applicable IDPS use-case scenarios to ensure evaluation of the most relevant features.
  • Effort saved in evaluating all vendors; only focus on the shortlist.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Gather and align requirements for IDPS.
  • Documented functional and solution requirements.
  • Aligned requirements for IDPS.
2.2 Determine your best-fit use-case scenario(s).
  • Identified applicable use-case scenarios.
2.3 Review Info-Tech’s vendor evaluation.
  • Formal evaluation of the marketspace.
2.4 Create custom vendor shortlist from relevant scenarios.
  • Shortlist of vendors who provide the best solution given your needs.

Module 3: Plan Your Procurement Process

The Purpose

  • Focus on solution requirements that matter.
  • Streamline the RFP development.
  • Prepare a script for the vendor demo.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Optimized selection based on relevant requirements.
  • Formalized RFP document.
  • Standardized process to fairly test the products.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Create and prioritize solution requirements.
  • Prioritized solution requirements.
3.2 Determine key advanced features.
  • Custom IDPS Vendor Landscape Shortlist and Detailed Feature Analysis Tool
3.3 Create and evaluate RFP document.
  • Completed and optimized RFP document.
3.4 Develop vendor demo script.
  • Comprehensive vendor demo script.

Module 4: Plan Your IDPS Implementation

The Purpose

  • Prepare to implement the IDPS solution.
  • Streamline the hand-off to Operations.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Defined IDPS implementation plan.
  • Efficiently hand off IDPS implementation to operations.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Create implementation plan.
  • Formalized implementation plan.
4.2 Re-evaluate metrics for implementation.
  • Confirmed metrics for IDPS.
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