Select and Implement an Enterprise Content Management Solution

Understand the ECM vendor market, make an informed decision, and take a bottom-up, process-based approach for an agile solution implementation.


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Implementing an ECM solution without a plan leads to:

  • Recreating the sins of the past with regards to information organization.
  • Inconsistent designs, standards, and expectations.
  • Poor adoption and high operational costs.

Planning your ECM solution implementation upfront leads to:

  • Systematic and repeatable capability roll-outs.
  • Consistent designs, standards, and expectations.
  • High adoption rates and low maintenance costs.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Structure the Vendor Selection Project

The Purpose

  • Level-set facilitator and workshop participant understanding of organizational context and objectives, workshop itinerary, and ECM solution vision and mission.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Unambiguous ECM solution selection project plan.
  • Organizational consensus on ECM solution vision and mission.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Workshop introduction and overview of activities.
  • Stakeholder understanding of workshop itinerary and cadence
1.2 Complete organizational context assessment to level-set understanding.
  • Facilitator understanding of organizational context
1.3 Review and finalize project drivers, objectives, and timelines.
  • Unambiguous ECM solution selection project plan
1.4 Determine ECM solution vision and mission statements.
  • ECM solution vision and mission statements

Module 2: Gather ECM Functional Requirements and Perform Gap Analysis

The Purpose

  • Determine what the business needs to get out of the ECM solution.
  • Identify which ECM use cases are a focus for the organization.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Business and ECM solution alignment.
  • Understand vendor performance relative to ECM use cases.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Gather ECM business requirements from stakeholders (as per scope of workshop) through interviews and focus groups.
  • List of ECM solution business requirements
2.2 Perform ECM use-case assessment.
  • ECM use-case report
2.3 Review use-case results with relevant stakeholders.
  • Stakeholder consensus on ECM use cases
2.4 Review vendor strengths and weaknesses relative to use-case assessment.
  • Stakeholder understanding of ECM vendor performance relative to use cases

Module 3: Develop RFP and Plan Selection Process

The Purpose

Draft an RFP to support the ECM solution selection process.

Key Benefits Achieved

ECM use case defined.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Translate business requirements into functional and technical ECM solution requirements.
  • List of functional and technical ECM solution requirements
3.2 Shortlist ECM vendors.
  • ECM vendor shortlist
3.3 Determine vendor selection due diligence and timelines.
  • Clearly defined ECM system selection process
3.4 Develop RFP in alignment with selection due diligence.
  • Completed RFP document

Module 4: Build Consensus for Vendor Selection Project

The Purpose

Build consensus for the ECM vendor selection project among key stakeholders in your organization.

Key Benefits Achieved

Buy-in from key stakeholders for your ECM solution selection project.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Meet with project manager to discuss workshop results, action items, and next steps.
  • Workshop stakeholder presentation
4.2 Present a workshop debrief to seniors and stakeholders.
  • Buy-in from key organizational stakeholders
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