Select and Implement a Next Generation Firewall

Reduce security management complexity through consolidated solutions.


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Without an NGFW solution, an organization runs the following risks:

  • Staying with outdated firewall solutions that are not equipped to deal with today’s versatile threats.
  • Lacking a consolidated solution with central management capabilities to allow for better resource management and improved monitoring.

Implementing an NGFW solution results in:

  • A centrally managed, consolidated security solution that not only inspects your network, but also up the OSI stack.
  • Improved security posture through advanced features like advanced malware protection.
  • Improved visibility with multiple dashboard options to offer details and connections between the solution’s many features.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Launch the NGFW Project

The Purpose

  • Understand the NGFW marketspace.
  • Plan the NGFW procurement process.
  • Identify the use-case scenarios that align with your NGFW requirements.
  • Determine baseline metrics to evaluate the solution’s effectiveness. 

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Awareness of the options that exist and where the market is going with respect to NGFW solutions.
  • A formally documented procurement process that will keep tasks on track as individuals are aware of roles, responsibilities, deadlines, etc.
  • A focus on the use-case scenario that applies to your organization.
  • Assessment of your NGFW solution based on concrete metrics that matter.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Discuss the current NGFW market.
  • Realistic perspective of the NGFW marketspace
1.2 Determine if an NGFW solution is right for you.
1.3 Develop the NGFW procurement charter.
  • Formalized procurement process
1.4 Identify your best-fit use-case scenario.
  • The most appropriate use-case scenario on which to structure your evaluation
1.5 Brainstorm baseline metrics and target goals to gauge the solution’s effectiveness.
  • Set of metrics to track the effectiveness of the solution

Module 2: Select Your NGFW Solution

The Purpose

  • Review the vendor profiles to understand strengths, weaknesses, and challenges.
  • Customize the RFP to submit to vendors.
  • Ensure vendor demos focus on the features you care about, rather than simply highlighting their strengths.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Selection of a solution that meets your requirements and fulfills your specific needs.
  • Time saved during RFP development to produce the statement of work, scope of work, requirements, budget & estimated pricing, etc.
  • Realistic view of the products performing relevant tasks.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Analyze the vendor landscape.
  • Detailed understanding of the vendor landscape
2.2 Create a custom vendor shortlist.
  • Narrowed-down list of suitable solutions
2.3 Develop an RFP.
  • Completed and reviewed RFP document
2.4 Standardize a vendor demo script.
  • Fairly evaluated vendor demos
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