Select an Electronic Health Record

A best-fit solution balances patient and practitioner needs, cost, and capability.


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Adopting an EHR without a calculated and traceable approach to selection leads to:

  • Cost overruns.
  • System that may not support the needs of all patients.
  • Poor adoption amongst practitioners.

Selecting an EHR using our approach has many benefits. It leads to:

  • Traceability of decision making.
  • Easier navigation of complex regulatory environments.
  • Effective forecasting of resource requirements.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Introduce EHR and Define the Application Selection Approach

The Purpose

  • Introduce EHR and understand need for the project.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Understanding of what EHR is.
  • Current state of selection framework.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Set expectations.
  • Understanding of the workshop scope, format, and schedule.
1.2 Distinguish between overall EHR initiative and selection project.
  • Understanding of what is involved in a selection project.
1.3 Introduce EHR.
  • Unified definition of EHR.
1.4 Surface vendor landscape.
  • View into the key vendors EHR marketplace.
1.5 Introduce application selection process.
  • Understanding of Info-Tech’s approach to selection.
1.6 Discuss challenges with the existing application selection process.
  • List of current pain points for selecting applications.
1.7 Identify benefits and opportunities for the application selection process.
  • List of current growth opportunities in the selection process.
1.8 Define project objectives.
  • Definition of project objectives.
1.9 Align selection project objectives with business objectives.
  • Alignment between project objectives and organizational objectives.
1.10 Outline a target state approach to application selection.
  • Selection approach tailored to the organization.

Module 2: Understand EHR Capability Framework

The Purpose

  • Gain a firm understanding of Info-Tech’s approach to requirements gathering.
  • Examine EHR opportunities and strengths.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Repeatable requirements gathering processes.
  • Understanding of EHR current state.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Review requirements gathering framework (elicit, analyze, validate).
  • Understanding of the three phases of the requirements gathering framework.
2.2 Discuss current EHR pain points to be addressed.
  • List of pain point with current EHR.
2.3 Discuss EHR opportunities.
  • List of opportunities for a new EHR.
2.4 Introduce four domains of EHR business capability map.
  • Understanding of the EHR capability map.

Module 3: Elicit Top-Level Functional Requirements

The Purpose

  • Collect top-level requirements for EHR.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Member will have a jumping-off point to dive deeper into requirements with business stakeholders.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Map selection project objectives to EHR capabilities.
  • Alignment between selection project objectives and EHR art of the possible.
3.2 Establish top-level requirements for preventing health challenges.
  • List of top-level requirements.
3.3 Establish top-level requirements for diagnosing health needs.
  • List of top-level requirements.
3.4 Establish top-level requirements for treating patients.
  • List of top-level requirements.
3.5 Establish top-level requirements for facilitating and monitoring recovery.
  • List of top-level requirements.

Module 4: Outline a Selection Roadmap

The Purpose

  • Build a roadmap for selection and delineate responsibilities.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Creation of initiative roadmap with metrics.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Prioritize top-level requirements.
  • Prioritized list of requirements ready for vendors.
4.2 Build selection roadmap.
  • Tailored selection roadmap.
4.3 Roles and responsibilities.
  • RACI for the selection project.
4.4 Develop communication plan.
  • Right-sized approach for communicating the selection decision to the business.
4.5 Establish project metrics.
  • List of relevant SMART metrics for the project.
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