Select the Optimal Disaster Recovery Deployment Model

Evaluate cloud, co-lo and on-premises disaster recovery deployment models.


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Selecting a DR deployment model:

  • Can be time-consuming
  • Can result in information overload
  • Can leave you bogged down and stuck without a proper solution

Selecting a DR deployment model with the Info-Tech workshop:

  • Takes a funneled approach to save time by examining what works rather than what doesn’t
  • Helps compare cost among different models to ensure you choose the most cost effective model to meet your DR needs
  • Build a strong case for business on why DR deployment is critical!

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Target Relevant DR Options for Your Organization

The Purpose

Identify potential DR models

Key Benefits Achieved

Take a funneled approach and avoid getting lost among all of the DR models available

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Define DR site requirements
  • Determine the type of site, replication, and risk mitigation initiatives required
1.2 Document industry and organizational constraints
  • Rule out unfit models
1.3 Identify potential DR models
  • DR Decision Tree
  • Application Assessment Tool for Cloud DR

Module 2: Conduct a Comprehensive Analysis of Appropriate Models

The Purpose

Explore relevant DR models

Key Benefits Achieved

Develop supporting evidence for the various options

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Explore pros and cons of potential solutions
  • Qualitative analysis on candidate models
2.2 Understand the use case for DRaaS
  • Evaluate the need for DRaaS
2.3 Review DR model diagrams
  • DR diagrams for candidate models

Module 3: Build the DR Solution TCO Comparison Tool

The Purpose

Determine best cost models

Key Benefits Achieved

Save money by selecting the most cost effective option to meet your DR requirements

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Gather hardware requirements for production site
  • Populate the production summary tab in TCO tool
3.2 Define capacity requirements for DR
  • Understand how much hardware will need to be on standby and how much will be procured at the time of disaster
3.3 Compare cost across various models
  • Find the most cost effective method

Module 4: Make the Case and Plan Your Transition

The Purpose

Build support from business stakeholders by having a clear and defendable proposal for DR

Key Benefits Achieved

Effective and ready DR deployment model

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Address implementation considerations for network, capacity, and day-to-day operations
  • Define implementation projects necessary for deployment and appoint staff to execute them
4.2 Build presentation for business stakeholders
  • PowerPoint presentation to summarize findings from the course of the project
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