Secure Critical Systems and Intellectual Property Against APT

Protect yourself from being boarded and raided by cyber privateers.


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Weak or misallocated security resources will fail miserably.

  • Normally, being better defended than the person next to you would work. Not anymore. APTs target specific enterprises no matter the security measures in place.
  • Allowing an APT intrusion to occur in your organization could risk its competitive advantage due to theft of IP or disruption of functional capabilities.
  • Huge potential costs result from mediating the intrusion due to cleaning networks or systems, changing credentials, legal issues, regulations, security audits, public loss of confidence and reputation damage.

A comprehensive APT security strategy helps you:

  • Develop proper risk assessment to know why you’re at risk and when there is a threat.
  • Provide visibility into what is really happening on your network.
  • Enable proper detection capabilities for your network.
  • Build proper preventative defenses to block out attacks.
  • Create remediation plans for when an attack does occur.
  • Improve continually with upkeep to provide sustainable security.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Assess and Grade Current APT Security Measures

The Purpose

  • Validate your identified risk posture and likelihood for an APT attack.
  • Comprehensively grade your current security system.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Identified risk posture for an APT
  • Graded current APT security measures

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Validate your risk posture
1.2 Identify existing APT security measures in place
  • Identified risk posture
1.3 Assess and grade security maturity and capability levels
  • Graded APT security measures
1.4 Determine overall enterprise risk to an APT

Module 2: Perform Gap Analysis and Prioritization

The Purpose

  • Identify the current security gaps that must be bridged from existing security measures to the target state
  • Evaluate these gaps
  • Prioritize gaps

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Prioritized list of your APT security gaps

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Perform gap analysis
2.2 Evaluate identified gaps
2.3 Understand and implement an enterprise risk tolerance
2.4 Develop importance and achievability levels for each gap
2.5 Prioritize your APT security gaps
  • Prioritized list of your APT security gaps

Module 3: Build the Defenses and Prepare

The Purpose

  • Build a strong end-user education and training plan
  • Improve threat intelligence
  • Limit and control user access
  • Implement strong security infrastructure
  • Develop active monitoring capabilities

Key Benefits Achieved

  • End-user training plan
  • Threat intelligence roadmap
  • Access control action plan
  • Infrastructure action plan
  • Monitoring action plan

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Educate employees
  • End-user training plan
3.2 Improve threat intelligence
  • Threat intelligence roadmap
3.3 Control access
  • Access control action plan
3.4 Implement strong security infrastructure
  • Infrastructure action plan
3.5 Build active monitoring
  • Monitoring action plan

Module 4: Build Ad Hoc Attack Processes

The Purpose

  • Develop response capabilities to an attack
  • Develop investigative capabilities
  • Create sustainable APT security

Key Benefits Achieved

  • CIRT team
  • Incident management plan
  • Digital forensic understanding
  • Intrusion reconstruction ability
  • Responsibility and ownership allocation

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Create a CIRT team
  • CIRT team
4.2 Develop an incident management plan
  • Incident management plan
4.3 Understand digital forensics
  • Digital forensic understanding
4.4 Develop intrusion reconstruction techniques
  • Intrusion reconstruction ability
4.5 Allocate responsibility and ownership
  • Responsibility and ownership allocation
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