Rationalize Your Collaboration Tools

Best-of-breed approaches create more confusion than productivity.


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Without a collaboration strategy:

  • Organizations waste money by purchasing unnecessary collaboration tools that have overlapping capabilities with their current toolset.
  • Productivity is destroyed when workers spend time switching between multiple tools.
  • Shadow collaboration tools create a security risk.

A collaboration strategy can rationalize your collaboration toolset:

  • Improve efficiency by phasing out redundant collaboration tools.
  • Streamline the adoption of best-fit tools to fill capability gaps.
  • Optimize user engagement through an adoption plan that improves user familiarity and consistency in use.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Categorize the Toolset

The Purpose

  • Create a collaboration vision.
  • Acknowledge the current state of the collaboration toolset.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • A clear framework to structure the collaboration strategy

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Set the vision for the Collaboration Strategy.
  • Beginnings of the Collaboration Strategy
1.2 Identify your collaboration tools with use cases.
  • At least five archetypical use cases, detailing the collaboration capabilities required for these cases
1.3 Learn what collaboration tools are used and why, including shadow IT.
  • Use cases updated with shadow IT currently used within the organization
1.4 Begin categorizing the toolset.
  • Overlaps and Gaps in Current Capabilities Toolset Template

Module 2: Strategize Overlaps

The Purpose

  • Identify redundant overlapping tools and develop a phase-out plan.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Communication and phase-out plans for redundant tools, streamlining the collaboration toolset.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Identify legitimate overlaps and gaps.
  • Overlaps and Gaps in Current Capabilities Toolset Template
2.2 Explore business and user strategies for identifying redundant tools.
  • A shortlist of redundant overlapping tools to be phased out
2.3 Create a Gantt chart and communication plan and outline post-phase-out strategies.
  • Phase-out plan

Module 3: Build Business Requirements

The Purpose

  • Gather business requirements for finding best-fit tools to fill toolset gaps.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • A business requirements document

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Use SoftwareReviews and the Collaboration Platform Evaluation Tool to shortlist best-fit collaboration tool.
  • A shortlist of collaboration tools
3.2 Build SMART objectives and goals cascade.
  • A list of SMART goals and a goals cascade
3.3 Walk through the Collaboration Tools Business Requirements Document Template.
  • Completed Business Requirements Document

Module 4: Create an Adoption Plan

The Purpose

  • Create an adoption plan for successfully onboarding new collaboration tools.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • An adoption plan

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Fill out the Adoption Plan Gantt Chart Template.
  • Completed Gantt chart
4.2 Create the communication plan.
  • Adoption plan marketing materials
4.3 Explore best practices to socialize the new tools.
  • Long-term strategy for engaging employees with onboarded tools
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