Plan Your Digital Transformation on a Page

Take a step closer to your end customers by creating a customer-centric digital strategy.


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Without an effective digital strategy:

  • Digital investment will continue to be made without a clear direction, and will continue to under-deliver on expectations.
  • The organization will continue to experience pain as a result of disruption and have difficulty competing with digitally-enabled competitors.
  • Digital innovation will continue occurring in silos, resulting in time and budget spent on duplicating work already done.

With an effective digital strategy:

  • The vision for what the organization is trying to accomplish with digital is clear, and is known by all relevant stakeholders in the organization.
  • IT and the business work together to leverage leading-edge technology and business model innovation instead of being disrupted by them.
  • Digital becomes a part of organizational culture and employees are primed to be innovative.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Scope the Digital Transformation

The Purpose

Identify the need for and use of digital strategy and determine a realistic scope for the digital strategy.

Key Benefits Achieved

The digital strategy project is planned and scoped around a subset of the five digital value pools.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Introduction to digital strategy.
1.2 Establish motivation for digital.
1.3 Discuss in-flight digital investments.
1.4 Define the scope of digital.
  • Business model canvas
1.5 Identify stakeholders.
  • Stakeholder power map
1.6 Perform discovery interviews.
  • Discovery interview results
1.7 Select two value pools to focus day 2, 3, and 4 activities.
  • Two value pools for focus throughout the workshop

Module 2: Design the Digital Future State Vision

The Purpose

Create guiding principles to help define future digital initiatives. Generate the target state with the help of strategic goals.

Key Benefits Achieved

Establish the basis for planning out the initiatives needed to achieve the target state from the current state.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Identify digital imperatives.
  • Corporate strategy analysis, PESTLE analysis, documented operational pain points (value streams)
2.2 Define key digital outcomes.
  • Customer needs assessment (journey maps)
2.3 Create a digital investment thesis.
  • Digital investment thesis
2.4 Define digital guiding principles.
  • Digital guiding principles

Module 3: Define the Digital Roadmap

The Purpose

Understand the gap between the current and target state. Create transition options and assessment against qualitative and quantitative metrics to generate a list of initiatives the organization will pursue to reach the target state. Build a roadmap to plan out when each transition initiative will be implemented.

Key Benefits Achieved

Finalize the initiatives the organization will use to achieve the target digital state. Create a roadmap to plan out the timing of each initiative and generate an easy-to-present document for digital strategy approval.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Identify initiatives to achieve digital outcomes.
  • Digital outcomes and KPIs
3.2 Align in-flight initiatives to digital initiatives.
  • Investment/value pool matrix
3.3 Prioritize digital initiatives.
  • Digital initiative prioritization
3.4 Document architecturally significant requirements for high-priority initiatives.
  • Architecturally significant requirements for high-priority initiatives

Module 4: Define the Digital Roadmap

The Purpose

Plan your approach to socializing the digital strategy to help facilitate the cultural changes necessary for digital transformation.

Key Benefits Achieved

Plant the seed of digital and innovation to start making digital a part of the organization’s DNA.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Review and refine Digital Strategy on a Page.
  • Digital Strategy on a Page
4.2 Assess company culture.
  • Strategyzer Culture Map
4.3 Define high-level cultural changes needed for successful transformation.
4.4 Define the role of the digital transformation team.
4.5 Establish digital transformation team membership and desired outcomes.
  • Digital transformation team charter
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