Optimize the Service Desk With a Shift-Left Strategy

The best type of service desk ticket is the one that doesn’t exist.


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Without a shift-left strategy, you risk:

  • Always being in reactive mode.
  • High ticket volume with many escalations.
  • Tier 2 and 3 specialists are tied up with tickets.
  • Wasted manual effort on repeated tasks that could be automated.
  • Frustrated end users who would rather solve their own issues than wait for help.

Implementing a shift-left strategy can lead to:

  • Reduced support costs.
  • Increased end-user satisfaction.
  • Reduced ticket volume.
  • More time for the service desk to be proactive.

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Module 1: Prepare to Shift Left

The Purpose

  • Define how shift left would apply in your organization, get buy-in for the initiative, and define metrics to measure success.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Defined scope and objectives for the shift-left initiative
  • Buy-in for the program
  • Metrics to keep the project on track and evaluate success

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Review current service desk structure
1.2 Discuss challenges
1.3 Review shift-left model and discuss how it would apply in your organization
  • Shift-left scope
1.4 Complete the Shift-Left Prerequisites Assessment
  • Completed shift-left prerequisites assessment
1.5 Complete a RACI chart for the project
  • RACI chart
1.6 Define and document objectives
  • Defined objectives
1.7 Review the stakeholder buy-in presentation
  • Stakeholder buy-in presentation
1.8 Document critical success factors
  • Critical success factors
1.9 Define KPIs and metrics
  • Metrics to measure success

Module 2: Plan to Shift to Level 1

The Purpose

  • Build strategy and identify specific opportunities to shift service support left to Level 1 through knowledge sharing and other methods.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Identified initiatives to shift work to Level 1
  • Documented knowledge management process workflows and strategy

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Identify barriers to Level 1 resolution
2.2 Discuss knowledgebase challenges and areas for improvement
2.3 Optimize KB input process
  • KB input workflow
2.4 Optimize KB usage process
  • KB usage workflow
2.5 Optimize KB review process
  • KB review workflow
2.6 Discuss and document KCS strategy and roles
  • KCS strategy and roles
2.7 Document knowledge success metrics
  • Knowledge management metrics
2.8 Brainstorm additional methods of increasing FLR
  • Identified opportunities to shift to Level 1

Module 3: Plan to Shift to End User and Automation

The Purpose

  • Build strategy and identify specific opportunities to shift service support left to the end user through self-service and to automation and AI.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Identified initiatives to shift work to self-service and automation
  • Evaluation of self-service portal and identified opportunities for improvement

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Review existing self-service portal and discuss vision
3.2 Identify opportunities to improve portal accessibility, UI, and features
  • Identified opportunities to improve portal
3.3 Evaluate the user-facing knowledgebase
  • Improvements to knowledgebase
3.4 Optimize the ticket intake form
  • Improved ticket intake form
3.5 Document plan to improve, communicate, and evaluate portal
  • Strategy to communicate and measure success of portal
3.6 Map the user experience with a workflow
  • Self-service resolution workflow
3.7 Document your AI strategy
  • Strategy to apply AI and automation
3.8 Identify candidates for automation
  • Identified opportunities to shift tasks to automation

Module 4: Build Implementation and Communication Plan

The Purpose

  • Build an action plan to implement shift left, including a communications strategy.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Action plan to track and implement shift-left opportunities
  • Communications plan to increase adoption

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Examine process workflows for shift-left opportunities
  • Incident management workflow with shift-left opportunities
4.2 Document shift-left-specific responsibilities for each role
  • Shift left responsibilities for key roles
4.3 Identify and track shift-left opportunities in the action plan
  • Shift-left action plan
4.4 Brainstorm objections and responses
  • Objection handling responses
4.5 Document communications plan
  • Communications plan
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