Optimize the Current Testing Process for Enterprise Mobile Applications

One-size-fits-all testing does not work – test for a mobile-specific context.


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Lack of proper mobile testing will lead to:

  • Spike in support incidents related to the mobile application.
  • Risk to the business from releasing a buggy app.

Injecting mobile testing into your current process will:

  • Enable your developers to quickly understand multi-form factor and mobile development.
  • Help to highlight gaps in your current testing process.

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Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Assess the Fit for Test Process Optimization

The Purpose

  • Understand mobile testing pain points.
  • Evaluate current statistics and challenges around mobile testing and compare with your organization.
  • Realize the benefits of mobile testing.
  • Understand the differences of mobile testing.
  • Assess your readiness for optimizing testing to include mobile.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Preliminary understanding of how mobile testing is different from conventional approaches to testing apps.
  • Understanding of how mobile testing can optimize your current testing process.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Understand the pain points experienced with mobile testing
1.2 Evaluate current statistics and challenges of mobile testing and compare your organization
1.3 Realize the benefits that come from mobile testing
1.4 Understand the differences between mobile app testing and conventional app testing
1.5 Assess your readiness for optimizing the testing process to include mobile
  • Organizational state assessment for mobile testing

Module 2: Structure & Launch the Project

The Purpose

  • Identify stakeholders for testing requirements gathering.
  • Create a project charter to obtain project approval.
  • Present and obtain project charter sign-off.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Well documented project charter.
  • Approval to launch the project.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Identify stakeholders for testing requirements gathering
2.2 Create a project charter to obtain project approval
  • Project objectives and scope
  • Project roles and responsibilities
2.3 Present & obtain project charter sign-off

Module 3: Assess Current Testing State

The Purpose

  • Document your current non-mobile testing processes.
  • Create a current testing visual SOP.
  • Determine current testing pain points.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Thorough understanding of current testing processes and pain points.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Document your current non-mobile testing processes
3.2 Create a current state visual SOP
  • Documented current testing processes in the form of a visual SOP
3.3 Determine current testing pain points
  • List of current testing pain points

Module 4: Determine Target State Testing Framework

The Purpose

  • Determine your target state for mobile testing.
  • Choose vendors for the RFP process.
  • Evaluate selected vendor(s) against testing requirements.
  • Design mobile testing visual SOP(s).

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Prioritized list of testing requirements for mobile.
  • Vendor selection for mobile testing solutions through an RFP process.
  • New SOP designed to include both current testing and mobile testing processes.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Determine your target state for mobile testing by following Info-Tech’s framework as a starting point
4.2 Design new SOP to include testing for mobile apps
4.3 Translate all considered visual SOP mobile injections into requirements
4.4 Document the preliminary list of test requirements in the RFP
  • List of testing requirements for mobile
4.5 Determine which vendors to include for the RFP process
4.6 Reach out to vendors for a request for proposal
  • Request for Proposal
4.7 Objectively evaluate vendors against testing requirements
4.8 Identify and assess the expected costs and impacts from determining your target state

Module 5: Implement Testing Tools to Support Your Testing SOP

The Purpose

  • Develop an implementation roadmap to integrate new testing initiatives.
  • Anticipate potential roadblocks during implementation rollout.
  • Operationalize mobile testing and ensure a smooth hand-off to IT operations.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Creation of implementation project plan.
  • List of approaches to mitigate potential implementation roadblocks.
  • Achieving clean hand-off to IT ops team.

Activities: Outputs:
5.1 Develop a project plan to codify your current understanding of the scope of work
5.2 Anticipate potential roadblocks during your tool’s implementation
5.3 Operationalize your testing tools and ensure a smooth hand-off from the project team
  • Mobile testing metrics implementation plan

Module 6: Conduct Your Retrospectives

The Purpose

  • Conduct regular retrospectives to consider areas for improvement.
  • Adjust your processes, systems, and testing tools to improve performance and usability.
  • Revisit implementation metrics to communicate project benefits.
  • Leverage the lessons learned and apply them to other projects.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Project specific metrics.
  • Discovery of areas to improve.

Activities: Outputs:
6.1 Conduct regular retrospectives to consider areas for improvement
6.2 Revisit your implementation metrics to communicate project benefits to business stakeholders
6.3 Adjust your processes, systems, and testing tools to improve performance and usability
  • Steps to improve your mobile testing
6.4 Leverage the lessons learned and apply them to other IT projects
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