Streamline Application Maintenance

Effective maintenance ensures the long-term value of your applications.


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Application maintenance practices lacking standardized structure and alignment to strategic objectives causes:

  • Ad hoc and reactive handling of maintenance requests, resulting in inefficient use of resources and delays to business operations.
  • Misalignment between the work being done and the business and IT priorities for applications and the business processes they support.
  • An inability to accurately assess the full impact of maintenance changes and take necessary steps to inform and include appropriate stakeholders.

Building an optimized and streamlined application maintenance practice will:

  • Allow maintenance teams to receive, assess, and prioritize requests in a timely, accurate, and value-driven manner.
  • Ensure development of maintenance changes is completed in accordance with business and IT priorities and maintains the critical elements of an organization’s operations.
  • Effectively balance resources spent in maintenance with other development projects.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Understand Your Maintenance Priorities

The Purpose

  • Understand the business and IT stakeholder priorities driving the success of your application maintenance practice.
  • Understand any current issues that are affecting your maintenance practice.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Awareness of business and IT priorities.
  • An understanding of the maturity of your maintenance practices and identification of issues to alleviate.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Define priorities for enhanced maintenance practices.
  • List of business and technical priorities
1.2 Conduct a current state assessment of your application maintenance practices.
  • List of the root-cause issues, constraints, and opportunities of current maintenance practice

Module 2: Instill Maintenance Governance

The Purpose

Define the processes, roles, and points of communication across all maintenance activities.

Key Benefits Achieved

An in-depth understanding of all maintenance activities and what they require to function effectively.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Modify your maintenance process.
  • Application maintenance process flow
  • List of metrics to gauge success
2.2 Define your maintenance roles and responsibilities.
  • Maintenance roles and responsibilities
  • Maintenance communication flow

Module 3: Enhance Triaging and Prioritization Practices

The Purpose

  • Understand in greater detail the process and people involved in receiving and triaging a request.
  • Define your criteria for value, impact, and urgency, and understand how these fit into a prioritization scheme.
  • Understand backlog management and release planning tactics to accommodate maintenance.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • An understanding of the stakeholders needed to assess and approve requests.
  • The criteria used to build a tailored prioritization scheme.
  • Tactics for efficient use of resources and ideal timing of the delivery of changes.
  • A process that ensures maintenance teams are always working on tasks that are valuable to the business.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Review your maintenance intake process.
  • Understanding of the maintenance request intake process
3.2 Define a request prioritization scheme.
  • Approach to assess the impact, urgency, and severity of requests for prioritization
3.3 Create a set of practices to manage your backlog and release plans.
  • List of backlog management grooming and release planning practices

Module 4: Streamline Maintenance Delivery

The Purpose

  • Understand how to apply development best practices and quality standards to application maintenance.
  • Learn the methods for monitoring and visualizing maintenance work.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • An understanding of quality standards and the scenarios for where they apply.
  • The tactics to monitor and visualize maintenance work.
  • Streamlined maintenance delivery process with best practices.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Define approach to monitor maintenance work.
  • Taskboard structure and rules
4.2 Define application quality attributes.
  • Definition of application quality attributes with user scenarios
4.3 Discuss best practices to enhance maintenance development and deployment.
  • List of best practices to streamline maintenance development and deployment

Module 5: Finalize Your Maintenance Practice

The Purpose

  • Create a target state built from appropriate metrics and attainable goals.
  • Consider the required items and steps for the implementation of your optimization initiatives.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • A realistic target state for your optimized application maintenance practice.
  • A well-defined and structured roadmap for the implementation of your optimization initiatives.

Activities: Outputs:
5.1 Refine your target state maintenance practices.
  • Finalized application maintenance process document
5.2 Develop a roadmap to achieve your target state.
  • Roadmap of initiatives to achieve your target state
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