Optimize Business Processes to Limit ERP Customization

Identify the best targets for process optimization and focus on configuration. Just say “no” to everything else.


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Suboptimal ERP systems will continue to:

  • Erode the project returns the ERP system was supposed to deliver
  • Cause end users further frustration, translating into increased help desk tickets
  • Prevent your organization from embracing a culture of change

A properly optimized ERP will:

  • Increase process efficiencies that will lead to an improvement of key process performance indicators
  • Drive down feature requests and help desk tickets as IT will see dramatic improvement in end-user satisfaction
  • Prepare your organization to adopt established management frameworks like, lean management, Six Sigma, or COBIT5.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Get Prepared for ERP Optimization

The Purpose

  • Define your ERP process optimization SOP
  • Identify business processes that are key for your organization’s success
  • Assess business processes by cost, satisfaction, and opportinuity for improvement
  • Prioritize business processes to obtain optimization focus

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Complete assessment of all business processes in your organization with cost, satisfaction, and opportunity metrics captured and collected
  • Prioritized list of business processes that are key to your organization’s success
  • Root cause analysis performed to help identify which future course should be taken to fix the suboptimal business processes

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Right-size the ERP process optimization SOP
  • Developed ERP process optimization SOP
1.2 Identify enterprise priorities
  • Identified which business processes are the most important to your organization’s strategy
1.3 Provide relevance rankings
  • Gathered primary data relating to the satisfaction, cost, and opportunity of different business processes
1.4 Assess satisfaction, cost, and opportunity
  • Performed root cause analysis to determine the future course of intervention
1.5 Generate process optimization plot
  • Generated process optimization plot to identify which business processes should be prioritized
1.6 Determine course of intervention
1.7 Estimate cost and risks of intervention
  • Generated data for the business cost, taking into account costs and risks of intervention

Module 2: Develop ERP Optimization Schedule of Activities

The Purpose

  • Build discovery workshop activities that will deliver ERP value
  • Develop project proposal to guide further optimization efforts
  • Understand the components of change that exist when optimizing business processes
  • Identify best practices for the documentation, training, and monitoring of optimized business processes

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Thorough understanding of the seven different workshop activities that will drive the ERP optimization effort
  • Developed project proposals that can be used to launch further optimization projects
  • Comprehensive launch plan developed by embracing training, documentation, and monitoring best practices

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Build an engaging workshop facilitation guide
  • Fully developed facilitation PowerPoint deck
2.2 Establish process ownership
  • Assigned process owners to each relevant business process
2.3 Build process operator workshop teams
  • Developed list of workshop partcipants for discovery workshops
2.4 Overview of all workshop activities
  • Reviewed all workshop activities
2.5 Build project proposals
  • Finalized project proposals
2.6 Prepare for launch of the optimized processes
  • Thorough understanding of the change management issues associated with ERP optimization
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