Modernize Enterprise Storage

Current and emerging storage technologies are disrupting the status quo – prepare your infrastructure for the exponential rise in data and its storage requirements.


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Data continues to grow at an exponential rate:

  • Storage budgets are not growing with the pace of data growth.
  • Management of data is also growing in complexity, posing a problem.
  • Current storage infrastructure will not be a viable solution going forward.

Take advantage of new and emerging storage technologies:

  • Make it easier to deliver on business needs with innovative storage technologies.
  • Reduce management complexity by introducing software automation.
  • Develop data governance and policies to mitigate and take on data growth.
  • Align the direction of your storage modernization with current and future data and business needs.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Identify Business Case and Assess Current State

The Purpose

  • Identify a business case and need for storage modernization by assessing current and future storage needs.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • A clear understanding of the business expectations and needs of storage infrastructure.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Identify current storage pain points.
  • Alignment of storage modernization with organizational pain points
1.2 Discuss storage modernization drivers.
  • Desired outcomes of storage modernization
1.3 Identify data growth drivers.
  • An understanding of growth impact across drivers
1.4 Determine relative growth burden.
  • An understanding of capacity and expansion needs

Module 2: Review Governance and Emerging Technologies

The Purpose

  • Review existing data governance.
  • Explore emerging technologies and trends in the storage space.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Review data governance objectives that must be met.
  • Identify a shortlist of storage technologies and trends that may be of interest.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Shortlist interest in storage technologies.
  • A starting point for research into new and emerging storage technologies
2.2 Prioritize shortlist of storage technologies.
  • Expressed interest in adopting storage technologies
2.3 Identify solutions that meet data and governance needs.
  • A list of storage solutions needed to deliver on future data and governance needs

Module 3: Identify Storage Needs and Develop Initiatives

The Purpose

  • Identify the people, process, and technology initiatives required to adopt new storage technologies.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Align your organizational people and process with new and disruptive technologies to best take advantage of what these new technologies have to offer.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Complete future storage structure planning tool.
  • A understanding of the future state of your storage infrastructure
3.2 Identify storage modernization technology initiatives.
  • Technology initiatives needed to adopt storage structure
3.3 Identify storage modernization people initiatives.
  • People initiatives needed to adopt storage structure
3.4 Identify storage modernization process initiatives.
  • Process initiatives needed to adopt storage structure

Module 4: Build a Roadmap and RFP, Calculate TCO

The Purpose

  • Develop an executive communications report.
  • Conduct a TCO analysis comparing on-premises and cloud storage solutions.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Communicate storage modernization goals and plans to stakeholders.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Prioritize storage modernization initiatives.
  • Alignment of people, process, and technology with storage adoption
4.2 Complete project timeline and build roadmap.
  • Communicate storage modernization goals and plans to stakeholders and executives
4.3 Compare TCO of on-premises and cloud storage solutions.
  • Compare cost of on-premises and cloud storage alternatives
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