Migrate to Office 365 Now

One small step to cloud, one big leap to Office 365. The key is to look before you leap.


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An ill-planned migration to Office 365 causes:

  • Poor alignment between business and IT goals, metrics, and expectation.
  • Overspending on licensing.
  • Preemptive movement of services to the cloud.
  • Lost opportunity to leverage existing infrastructure.
  • Missed migration deadlines.
  • Wasted time spent on predictable issues or decisions.
  • Lost value/productivity in user transition and adoption.

A formalized process of migration results in:

  • Clear understanding of the business strategy and objectives.
  • Specific criteria for assessing the relevance of IT investments.
  • Leveraging existing licenses of services to the full extent while moving to Office 365.
  • Early exposed risk for project foresight to counter potential issues before an incident.
  • Logical sequence of events in roadmap planning.
  • Timely completion of milestone task deadlines and minimal project halt.
  • Clear expectations across IT and business regarding Office value.
  • Informed and engaged end users.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Evaluate Office 365 License Needs

The Purpose

  • Review corporate and project goals.
  • Review and prioritize relevant services and applications to shape the migration path.
  • Review Office 365 license models.
  • Profile end users to rightsize licensing.
  • Estimate dollar impact of new licensing model.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Corporate goals for Office 365.
  • Prioritized migration path of applications.
  • Decision on user licensing structure.
  • Projected cost of licensing.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Outline corporate and project goals to paint the starting line.
  • Clear goals and metrics for migration
1.2 Review and prioritize services.
  • Prioritized list of applications
1.3 Rightsize licensing.
  • Effective licensing structure

Module 2: Assess Value, Readiness, and Risks

The Purpose

  • Conduct value and readiness assessment of current on-premises services.
  • Identify and evaluate risks and challenges.
  • Assess IT’s readiness to own and manage Office 365.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Completed value and readiness assessment.
  • Current targets for service and deployment models.
  • List of perceived risks according to five major risk areas.
  • Assessed IT’s readiness to own and manage Office 365.
  • Established go/caution/stop for elected Office 365 services.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Assess value and readiness.
  • Cloud service appropriateness assessment
2.2 Identify key risks.
  • Completed risk register
2.3 Identify changes in IT skills and roles.
  • Reorganization of IT roles

Module 3: Mitigate Risks

The Purpose

  • Review Office 365 risks and discuss mitigation strategies.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Completed risks and mitigation strategies report.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Build mitigation strategies.
  • Defined roles and responsibilities
3.2 Identify key service requests.
  • Assigned decision rights
3.3 Build workflows.
  • List of staffing gaps

Module 4: Build the Roadmap

The Purpose

  • Build a timeline of major milestones.
  • Plan and prioritize projects to bridge gaps.
  • Build a communication plan.
  • Review Office 365 strategy and roadmap.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Milestone roadmap.
  • Critical path of milestone actions.
  • Communication plan.
  • Executive report.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Outline major milestones.
  • Roadmap plotted projects, decisions, mitigations, and user engagements
4.2 Finalize roadmap.
  • Finalized roadmap across timeline
4.3 Build and refine the communication plan.
  • Communication and training plan
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