Maximize Your American Rescue Plan Funding

Partner with the organization to thrive post-pandemic.


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The ARP has allocated $1.9 trillion for state, local, and tribal governments; various government agencies; and individuals.

  • While $1.9 trillion sounds like a lot of money, make no mistake: the competition is fierce. Among organizations that have or will receive direct transfers, as well as among organizations applying for grants, everyone has the same objective: receive the maximum amount of funding.
  • As an IT organization, it can be difficult to know what this means for you. Will the funding provide more resources for IT? Are the governance processes in place adequate to successfully execute large projects? What will this influx of capital mean for your budget?

This once-in-a-lifetime funding has the potential to flip the conventional IT model on its head and give your organization the opportunity to use IT as a hub to identify solutions for many business problems.

  • IT leaders have shown they are also business leaders. Use this opportunity to transition from the pandemic-facilitated reactive innovation to proactive innovation.
  • These unprecedented times have served as an opportunity to work closely with the business and leverage available ARP funding by reassessing priorities, identifying budget needs, confidently executing initiatives, demonstrating business value, and ensuring compliance with grants.

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Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Think Big

The Purpose

  • Push the boundaries of conventional thinking and consider IT innovations that truly transform the business.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • A list of innovative IT opportunities that your IT department can use to transform the business

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Discuss the objectives of ARP and what they mean to IT departments.
1.2 Identify drivers for change.
1.3 Review IT strategy.
  • Revised IT vision
1.4 Augment your IT opportunities list.
  • List of innovative IT opportunities that can transform the business

Module 2: Align With the Business

The Purpose

  • Partner with the business to reprioritize projects and initiatives for the post-pandemic world.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Assessment of the organization’s new and existing IT opportunities and alignment with business objectives

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Assess alignment of current and new IT initiatives with business objectives.
  • Preliminary list of IT initiatives
2.2 Review and update prioritization criteria for IT projects.
  • Revised project prioritization criteria

Module 3: Analyze IT Budget and Staffing

The Purpose

  • Identify IT budget deficits resulting from pandemic response and discover opportunities to support innovation through new staff and training.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Prioritized shortlist of business-aligned IT initiative and projects

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Classify initiatives into project categories using ROM estimates.
3.2 Identify IT budget needs for projects and ongoing services.
3.3 Identify needs for new staff and skills training.
3.4 Determine business benefits of proposed projects.
3.5 Prioritize your organization’s projects.
  • Prioritized shortlist of business-aligned IT initiatives and projects

Module 4: Plan Next Steps

The Purpose

  • Tie IT expenditures to direct transfers or link them to ARP grant opportunities.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Action plan to obtain ARP funding

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Tie projects to direct transfers, where applicable.
4.2 Align list of projects to indirect ARP grant opportunities.
4.3 Develop an action plan to obtain ARP funding.
  • Action plan to obtain ARP funding
4.4 Discuss required approach to project governance.
  • Project governance gaps
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