Make Prudent Decisions When Increasing Your Salesforce Footprint

Salesforce’s previous purchasing transparency has diminished, making it critical to understand licensing methods, and foreshadows compliance audits.


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A reactive and careless approach to licensing Salesforce products leads to:

  • Overspending on Salesforce licensing due to the complex license model, obscure contract T&Cs, and ease of falling into non-compliance with Salesforce licensing rules and policies.
  • Customers often do not know what can be negotiated when licensing Salesforce.
  • Customers often do not negotiate deeper discounts as volumes increase or neglect to negotiate price holds, and hence do not take advantage of the discount that their organization deserves.

A proactive and prudent approach to Salesforce licensing will help you:

  • Understand and simplify product licensing options to help optimize spend.
  • Ensure the appropriate contract type is selected.
  • Navigate the purchase process to negotiate from a position of strength.
  • Understand the future of the cloud in your Salesforce licensing roadmap.
  • Manage licenses more effectively to avoid non-compliance as Salesforce audits, while less common, do occur.

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Module 1: Establish Software Requirements

The Purpose

  • Assess current state and align goals; review business feedback.
  • Interview key stakeholders to define business objectives and drivers.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Have a baseline for whether Salesforce is the right solution.
  • Understand Salesforce as a solution.
  • Examine all CRM options.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Perform requirements gathering to review Salesforce as a potential solution.
1.2 Gather your documentation before buying or renewing.
  • Copy of your Salesforce Master Subscription Agreement
1.3 Confirm or create your Salesforce licensing team.
  • RASCI Chart
1.4 Meet with stakeholders to discuss the licensing options and budget allocation.
  • Salesforce Licensing Purchase Reference Guide

Module 2: Evaluate Licensing Options

The Purpose

  • Review product editions and licensing options.
  • Review add-ons and licensing rules.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Understand how licensing works.
  • Discuss licensing rules and their application to your current environment.
  • Determine the product and license mix that is best for your requirements.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Determine the editions, licenses, and add-ons for your Salesforce CRM solution.
  • Salesforce CRM Solution
2.2 Calculate total cost of ownership.
  • Salesforce TCO Calculator
2.3 Use the Salesforce Discount Calculator to ensure you are getting the discount you deserve.
  • Salesforce Discount Calculator
2.4 Meet with stakeholders to discuss the licensing options and budget allocation.
  • Salesforce Licensing Purchase Reference Guide

Module 3: Evaluate Agreement Options

The Purpose

  • Review terms and conditions of Salesforce contracts.
  • Review vendors.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Determine if MSA or term agreement is best.
  • Learn what specific terms to negotiate.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Perform a T&Cs review and identify key “deal breakers.”
  • Salesforce T&Cs Evaluation Tool
3.2 Decide on an agreement that nets the maximum benefit.
  • Salesforce Licensing Purchase Reference Guide

Module 4: Purchase and Manage Licenses

The Purpose

  • Finalize the contract.
  • Discuss negotiation points.
  • Discuss license management and future roadmap.
  • Discuss Salesforce partner and implementation strategy.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Discuss negotiation strategies.
  • Learn about licensing management best practices.
  • Review Salesforce partner options.
  • Create an implementation plan.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Know the what, when, and who to negotiate.
  • Salesforce Negotiation Strategy
4.2 Control the flow of communication.
  • Vendor Communication Management Plan
4.3 Assign the right people to manage the environment.
  • RASCI Chart
4.4 Discuss Salesforce partner options.
  • Info-Tech’s Core CRM Project Plan
4.5 Discuss implementation strategy.
4.6 Meet with stakeholders to discuss licensing options and budget allocation.
  • Salesforce Licensing Purchase Reference Guide
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