Lead Strategic Decision Making With Service Portfolio Management

Ensure you are investing in high-value IT services with a well-managed service portfolio.


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Not managing the service portfolio leads to:

  • IT and business leaders rushing to judgement when it comes to deciding the value of a service, and assessing solely on the basis of revenue and cost.
  • Organizations not understanding the different ways that services provide value, especially in qualitative ways that are not easily articulated in numbers.

Optimizing the service portfolio leads to:

  • Optimized IT investments
  • Improved decision making
  • Aligned services to strategic goal
  • Established framework for value assessment
  • Service orientation built

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Module 1: Establish the Service Portfolio

The Purpose

  • Establish and understand the service portfolio process by setting up the Service Portfolio Worksheet.
  • Understand at a high level the steps involved in managing the service portfolio.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Adapt the Service Portfolio Worksheet to organizational needs and create a plan to begin documenting services in the worksheet.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Review the Service Portfolio Worksheet.
  • Knowledge about the use of the Service Portfolio Worksheet.
1.2 Adapt the Service Portfolio Worksheet.
  • Adapt the worksheet to reflect organizational needs and structure.

Module 2: Develop a Value Assessment Framework

The Purpose

  • Understand the need for a value assessment framework.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Identify the organizational context of value through a holistic look at business objectives.
  • Leverage Info-Tech’s Value Assessment Tool to validate and determine service value.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Understand value from business context.
  • Alignment on value context.
2.2 Determine the governing body.
  • Clear roles and responsibilities established.
2.3 Assess culture and organizational structure.
  • Ensure there is a supportive organizational structure and culture in place.
2.4 Complete the value assessment.
  • Understand how to complete the value assessment and obtain a value score for selected services.
2.5 Discuss value assessment score.
  • Understand how to interpret the service value score.

Module 3: Manage Intake and Assessment of Initiatives

The Purpose

  • Create a centralized intake process to manage all new service ideas.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Encourage collaboration and innovation through a transparent, formal, and centralized service intake process.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Review or design the service intake process.
  • Create a centralized process for service intake.
3.2 Review the Service Intake Form.
  • Complete the Service Intake Form for a specific initiative.
3.3 Design a process to assess and transfer service ideas.
  • Have a process designed to transfer approved projects to the PMO.
3.4 Design a process to transfer completed services to the service catalog.
  • Have a process designed for transferring of completed services to the service catalog.

Module 4: Assess Active Services

The Purpose

  • Continuously validate the value of existing services.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Ensure services are still providing the expected outcome.
  • Clear next steps for services based on value.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Discuss/review management of active services.
  • Understand how active services must be assessed throughout their lifecycles.
4.2 Complete value assessment for an active service.
  • Understand how to assess an existing service.
4.3 Determine service value and usage.
  • Place the service on the 2x2 matrix based on value and usage.
4.4 Determine the next step for the service.
  • Understand the appropriate next steps for services based on value.
4.5 Document the decision regarding the service outcome.
  • Formally document the steps for each of the IRMR options.

Module 5: Manage and Communicate Your Service Portfolio

The Purpose

  • Communicate and implement the service portfolio within the organization.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Obtain buy-ins for the process.
  • Create a mechanism to identify changes within the organization and to seek out continuous improvement opportunities for the service portfolio management process and procedures.

Activities: Outputs:
5.1 Create a communication plan for service portfolio and value assessment.
  • Document the target audience, the message, and how the message should be communicated.
5.2 Create a communication plan for service intake.
  • Document techniques to encourage participation and promote participation from the organization.
5.3 Create a procedure to continuously validate the process.
  • Document the formal review process, including cycle, roles, and responsibilities.
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