Kick-Start an Esports Initiative at Your Casino

Esports initiative success depends on achieving integration into the existing casino ecosystem.


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This research will help you overcome:

  • Difficulty in estimating the value of an esports venue.
  • Lack of understanding of the esports culture.
  • Limitations of the current infrastructure for esports.

An esports initiative will enable you to:

  • Meet competitive standards.
  • Increase foot traffic.
  • Appeal to a wider demographic.

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Create a Vision for the Esports Initiative

The Purpose

  • Conceive of an esports initiative that aligns with the business goals.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Completed concept, rationale, and business-goal sections of MVBC.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Define the concept for your esports initiative.
1.2 Align esports with business priorities.
  • Completed concept, rationale, and business-goal sections of MVBC.

Module 2: Determine High-Level Costs, Benefits, and Risks

The Purpose

  • Calculate an initial cost-benefits analysis and consider the risks and mitigation efforts for the initiative.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Completed cost-benefits analysis and risks-and-mitigation sections of MVBC.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Gather high-level technical requirements.
2.2 Calculate an initial cost-benefits analysis for the initiative.
2.3 Identify risks and mitigation efforts.
  • Completed cost-benefits analysis and risks-and-mitigation sections of MVBC.

Module 3: Gain Support and Prepare a Business Case

The Purpose

  • Create a plan for presenting the MVBC for esports to stakeholders.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Approval to move on with full business case.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Seek approval from key decision makers.
3.2 Prepare for the full business case.
  • Create a plan to present the MVBC for esports to stakeholders.
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