Improve IT Team Effectiveness

Implement the four critical factors required for all high-performing teams.

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IT teams are more unique, which also provides unique challenges other teams don’t experience.

  • They do not use one standard set of processes because IT teams may have a wide variety of assignments requiring different sets of processes.
  • There are multiple disciplines within IT that require vastly different skill sets. Finding the connection points can be difficult when on the surface it seems like there does not need to be interconnectivity to be successful.
  • IT has many people in the same roles that act independently based on the stakeholder or internal customer they are serving. This can lead to duplication of effort if information and solutions aren’t shared.
  • IT serves many parts of the organization that can bring competing priorities both across the groups they support and with the IT strategy and roadmap itself. Many IT leaders work directly in or for the business which can see them associate with the internal client team more than their IT team which is another layer of conflicting priorities.

Employees that can articulate their role and contributions and how the team makes decisions and communications drive higher engagement. Engaged employees drive team effectiveness:

  • Employees who agree with the statement “I am part of a team working toward a shared goal” are 6.2X more likely to be engaged.  Source: McLean & Company
  • Effective and high-performing teams exchange information freely. They are clear on the purpose and goals of the organization which enable empowerment.

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Module 1: Assess the Team

The Purpose

Determine if proceeding is valuable.

Key Benefits Achieved

Set context for team members.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Review the business context.
1.2 Identify IT team members to be included.
1.3 Determine goals and objectives.
1.4 Build execution plan and determine messaging.
  • Execution and communication plan
1.5 Complete IDEA Model assessment.
  • IDEA Model assessment distributed

Module 2: Review Results and Action Plan

The Purpose

Review results to identify areas of strength and opportunity.

Key Benefits Achieved

As a team, discuss results and determine actions.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Debrief results with leadership team.
2.2 Share results with team.
  • IDEA assessment results
2.3 Identify areas of focus.
2.4 Identify IDEA Model activities to support objectives and explore areas of focus.
  • Selection of specific activities to be facilitated

Module 3: Document and Measure

The Purpose

Review results to identify areas of strength and opportunity.

Key Benefits Achieved

build an action plan of solutions to incorporate into team norms.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Create team charter.
  • Team Charter
3.2 Determine action plan for improvement.
  • Action Plan
3.3 Determine metrics.
3.4 Determine frequency of check-ins.
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