Implement an Adaptive System for IT Financial Management

Pave the way for exponential technologies with agile financial practices

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IT leaders must respond quickly to changes in the technology landscape and accelerate realization of organizational strategies. However:

  • Organizational finance and procurement functions tend to be siloed and mired in manual, unoptimized processes.
  • IT financial management capabilities can’t be executed with the confidence or agility needed to get and stay ahead of emerging opportunities.
  • Not only are opportunities being missed, but waste and overspend are being created too.

Ensure the right technologies are available to the right people at the right time at the right cost:

  • Create and implement an IT financial management system with agility at its core that can be evolved over time as organizational conditions and needs change.
  • Extend finance and procurement operational agility across the organization via the targeted application of enabling technologies.
  • Position the organization to institute a more flexible, responsive, and collaborative approach to technology investment decision making and funding.

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Module 1: Define IT financial management context and objectives

The Purpose

Lay a foundation for developing an agile IT financial management system by understand your current context and setting design targets.

Key Benefits Achieved

Understand the real constraints and opportunities presented by your current operating environment to making your practice of IT financial management more agile.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Understand ITFM in an Exponential IT context.
1.2 Assess the practice of financial management in your organization.
  • Financial management practice assessment results.
1.3 Assess ITFM’s relationship with other IT management functions.
  • ITFM/IT management function alignment and integration assessment results.
1.4 Draft IT financial management system design principles and objectives.
  • A list of IT financial management system design principles and objectives.

Module 2: Define IT financial management system components

The Purpose

Learn about and define the components that make up an agile IT financial management system.

Key Benefits Achieved

Identify the pieces that define IT financial management practice and how they relate and coordinate with one another to make your practice either more or less agile.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Identify processes and capabilities.
  • Defined IT financial management processes and capabilities they support.
2.2 Map decision rights and authorities.
  • Defined points of ITFM decision rights, authorities, and policy.
2.3 Define required competencies.
  • Defined ITFM competencies.
2.4 Set sourcing strategy.
  • Defined ITFM sourcing strategy.

Module 3: Finalize IT financial management system design and plan

The Purpose

Pull your proposed IT financial management system design and implementation steps into a consolidated presentation.

Key Benefits Achieved

Have a document that clearly expresses IT's vision for an improved approach to IT financial management and decision making that will make sense to your CFO.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Map IT financial management workflows to create a system.
3.2 Test and finalize system design.
3.3 Identify and prioritize system implementation initiatives.
3.4 Draft IT financial management system design presentation.
  • Final IT financial management system design and presentation.

Module 4: Identify tech-enablement initiatives for core finance/procurement

The Purpose

Leverage technology to align, integrate, and improve finance and procurement processes in your organization.

Key Benefits Achieved

Initiate a collaborative, integrated, one-team approach to financial practice and decision making in your organization.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Identify tech-enabled initiatives for core finance and procurement functions.
4.2 Draft a tech-enablement plan for core finance and procurement functions.
  • A tech-enablement plan for core finance and procurement functions. 
4.3 Assess impact of proposed initiatives on the IT financial management system.
  • A list of future updates for the IT financial management system.

Module 5: Next steps and wrap-up

The Purpose

Ensure all workshop deliverables are complete and identify next steps in the IT financial management and Exponential IT journeys.

Key Benefits Achieved

Have completed deliverables in hand and a clear vision for what needs to be done on the IT financial management front to enable an Exponential IT future.

Activities: Outputs:
5.1 Complete in-progress deliverables from previous four days.
5.2 Set up review time for workshop deliverables and to discuss next steps.
  • A list of next steps.
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